
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
[Online] Office hour Office Hour Zoom https://zoom.us/j/9958144657?pwd=RFJzQUtUeGdaanZDcUxyMzhwSWg3Zz09 8 20.12.22 20.12.22 No 
[Online] Tutorial Leonard Tutorial Zoom https://zoom.us/j/9958144657?pwd=RFJzQUtUeGdaanZDcUxyMzhwSWg3Zz09 7 20.12.22 20.12.22 No 
[Online] Tutorial Lena Tutorial Zoom https://zoom.us/j/9958144657?pwd=RFJzQUtUeGdaanZDcUxyMzhwSWg3Zz09 11 04.01.23 04.01.23 No 
[Online] Tutorial Lisa Tutorial Zoom https://zoom.us/j/9958144657?pwd=RFJzQUtUeGdaanZDcUxyMzhwSWg3Zz09 10 19.12.22 19.12.22 No 
[Online] Alpha Go (heuristic search, MCTS, RL intro.) (Thorsten Klößner) Lecture Zoom https://cs-uni-saarland-de.zoom.us/j/9425369212 1 19.12.22 19.12.22 No 
[Online] Alpha Go (MDPs, value iteration, Q-learning) (Thorsten Klößner) Lecture Zoom https://cs-uni-saarland-de.zoom.us/j/9425369212 2 05.01.23 05.01.23 No 
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Jörg Hoffmann) Lecture HS002 2 03.11.22 03.11.22 No 
Guest lecture: Using Data Science to Study Society (Prof. Ingmar Weber) Lecture HS002 1 07.11.22 07.11.22 No 
Self-Driving Cars (Prof. Bernt Schiele) Lecture HS002 1 09.02.23 09.02.23 No 
Machine Learning Basics (non-ANN) (Prof. Bernt Schiele) Lecture HS002 2 01.12.22 01.12.22 No 
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