
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
General Introduction (Prof. Jens Dittrich) Lecture HS002 2 27.10.22 27.10.22 No 
Introduction to Data Science (Prof. Jens Dittrich) Lecture HS002 1 31.10.22 31.10.22 No 
CMS registration deadline Deadline 03.11.22 03.11.22 No 
Assignment 0: Vagrant Exercise Sheet 3 03.11.22 09.11.22 No 
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Jörg Hoffmann) Lecture HS002 2 03.11.22 03.11.22 No 
Tutorial preference deadline Deadline 05.11.22 05.11.22 No 
Guest lecture: Using Data Science to Study Society (Prof. Ingmar Weber) Lecture HS002 1 07.11.22 07.11.22 No 
Tutorial Lisa Tutorial E1.3 SR015 10 07.11.22 07.11.22 No 
Tutorial Leonard Tutorial E1.1 SR3.06 7 08.11.22 08.11.22 No 
Office hour Office Hour E1.3 SR016 8 08.11.22 08.11.22 No 
Python 1 (Joris Nix) Lecture HS002 2 10.11.22 10.11.22 No 
Office hour Office Hour E1.3 SR015 9 10.11.22 10.11.22 No 
Tutorial Michel Tutorial E1.3 SR016 6 11.11.22 11.11.22 No 
Python 2 (Joris Nix) Lecture HS002 1 14.11.22 14.11.22 No 
Tutorial Lisa Tutorial E1.3 SR015 10 14.11.22 14.11.22 No 
Team grouping deadline Deadline 14.11.22 14.11.22 No 
Tutorial Leonard Tutorial E1.1 SR3.06 7 15.11.22 15.11.22 No 
Office hour Office Hour E1.3 SR016 8 15.11.22 15.11.22 No 
Tutorial Lena Tutorial E1.3 HS002 11 16.11.22 16.11.22 No 
Assignment 1: Python Exercise Sheet 3 17.11.22 23.11.22 No 
Data Handling and Cleaning in Python (Prof. Jens Dittrich) Lecture HS002 2 17.11.22 17.11.22 No 
Office hour Office Hour E1.3 SR015 9 17.11.22 17.11.22 No 
Tutorial Michel Tutorial E1.3 SR016 6 18.11.22 18.11.22 No 
Big Data & Databases 1 (Prof. Jens Dittrich) Lecture HS002 1 21.11.22 21.11.22 No 
Tutorial Lisa Tutorial E1.3 SR015 10 21.11.22 21.11.22 No 
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