
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
NLP 2: Syntax and Context Free Grammar (Dr. Sebastian Schuster) Lecture HS002 1 19.01.23 19.01.23 No 
Office hour Office Hour E1.3 SR015 9 19.01.23 19.01.23 No 
Tutorial Michel Tutorial E1.3 SR016 6 20.01.23 20.01.23 No 
Assignment 7: Alpha Go + NLP Exercise Sheet 3 16.01.23 22.01.23 No 
NLP 3: Neural Language Model (Dr. Sebastian Schuster) Lecture HS002 2 23.01.23 23.01.23 No 
Tutorial Lisa Tutorial E1.3 SR015 10 23.01.23 23.01.23 No 
Tutorial Leonard Tutorial E1.1 SR3.06 7 24.01.23 24.01.23 No 
NLP 4: Semantics (Dr. Sebastian Schuster) Lecture HS002 1 26.01.23 26.01.23 No 
Office hour Office Hour E1.3 SR015 9 26.01.23 26.01.23 No 
Tutorial Michel Tutorial E1.3 SR016 6 27.01.23 27.01.23 No 
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