
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Deadline: hmax, hadd Projects 09.12.22 09.12.22 No 
Deadline: Goal Counting Projects 18.11.22 18.11.22 No 
Deadline: Project Groups Projects 18.12.22 18.12.22 No 
Paper exercise 4 deadline Tutorial 06.01.23 06.01.23 No 
Exam Exam HS003 15.02.23 15.02.23 No 
Exam Inspection Exam 22.02.23 22.02.23 No 
Paper exercise 2 deadline Tutorial 25.11.22 25.11.22 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1.1, Office 3.14 26.01.23 26.01.23 No 
Paper exercise 5 handout Tutorial 10.01.23 N/A Yes 
Paper exercise 3 deadline Tutorial 09.12.22 09.12.22 No 
Lecture: About the course (D. Höller) Lecture E 1.3 HS 003 25.10.22 25.10.22 No 
Office Hour (online) Office Hour https://cs-uni-saarland-de.zoom.us/j/9425369212  21.12.22 21.12.22 No 
Second exam Exam 27.03.23 N/A Yes 
Paper exercise 5 deadline Tutorial 20.01.23 20.01.23 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1.1, Office 3.14 24.01.23 24.01.23 No 
Deadline: Competition (prelim.) Projects 03.02.23 03.02.23 No 
Deadline: Competition (final) Projects 05.02.23 05.02.23 No 
Paper exercise 1 handout Tutorial 02.11.22 N/A Yes 
Paper exercise 2 handout Tutorial 15.11.22 N/A Yes 
Deadline: LM-Cut Projects 05.02.23 05.02.23 No 
Deadline POR, LM, HA Projects 27.01.23 27.01.23 No 
Paper exercise 4 handout Tutorial 13.12.22 N/A Yes 
Paper exercise 3 handout Tutorial 29.11.22 N/A Yes 
Paper exercise 1 deadline Tutorial 11.11.22 11.11.22 No 
Deadline: PDB Projects 20.01.23 20.01.23 No 
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