
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Lecture: Progression and Regression; Heuristic Search Lecture 1 17.11.20 17.11.20 No 
Lecture: Planning Systems and the IPC Lecture 1 02.02.21 02.02.21 No 
Lecture: Planning Formalisms Lecture 2 04.11.20 04.11.20 No 
Lecture: PDDL; Applications Lecture 1 10.11.20 10.11.20 No 
Lecture: Pattern Database Heuristics Lecture 2 16.12.20 16.12.20 No 
Lecture: Partial-Order Reduction Lecture 1 05.01.21 05.01.21 No 
Lecture: Landmark Heuristics; Abstractions Lecture 1 08.12.20 08.12.20 No 
Lecture: Landmark Heuristics Lecture 2 02.12.20 02.12.20 No 
Lecture: Heuristic Search; Critical Path Heuristics Lecture 2 18.11.20 18.11.20 No 
Lecture: Delete Relaxation Heuristics Lecture 1 24.11.20 24.11.20 No 
Lecture: Delete Relaxation Heuristics Lecture 1 01.12.20 01.12.20 No 
Lecture: Comparing Heuristic Functions Lecture 1 19.01.21 19.01.21 No 
Lecture: Combining Heuristic Functions; Comparing Heuristic Functions Lecture 1 12.01.21 12.01.21 No 
Lecture: Combining Heuristic Functions Lecture 2 06.01.21 06.01.21 No 
Lecture: Causal Graphs; Progression and Regression Lecture 2 11.11.20 11.11.20 No 
Lecture: Abstractions; Pattern Database Heuristics Lecture 1 15.12.20 15.12.20 No 
Lecture: About This Course Lecture 1 03.11.20 03.11.20 No 
Introductory programming workshop Tutorial 12.11.20 12.11.20 No 
First Exam Inspection Exam E1.3 Hörsaal 002 26.02.21 26.02.21 No 
Exam Exam E1.3 Hörsaal 002 12.02.21 12.02.21 No 
Exam Exam E1.3, HS001 01.04.21 01.04.21 No 
Deadline: POR, HA and h^lm-cut Projects 24.01.21 24.01.21 No 
Deadline: Login and fork FD repository Projects 19.11.20 19.11.20 No 
Deadline: h^max and h^add Projects 06.12.20 06.12.20 No 
Deadline: h^FF and h^2 Projects 20.12.20 20.12.20 No 
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