
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Main Exam Exam Günter-Hotz Hörsaal 27.02.24 27.02.24 No 
Project 0: Blind + Goal-Counting Heuristic Programming Project 21.11.23 28.11.23 No 
Demo: C++ Boot Camp Demo Günter-Hotz Hörsaal 07.11.23 07.11.23 No 
Project 4: Q-Learning Programming Project 23.01.24 13.02.24 No 
Project 1: hmax + hFF Programming Project 28.11.23 12.12.23 No 
Demo: The C++ Standard Library Demo Günter-Hotz Hörsaal 14.11.23 14.11.23 No 
Demo: Setup and introduction to the programming projects Demo Günter-Hotz Hörsaal 21.11.23 21.11.23 No 
Project 2: Pattern Database Heuristics Programming Project 05.12.23 09.01.24 No 
Project 3: Supervised Learning Programming Project 09.01.24 26.01.24 No 
Start of Tutorials Tutorials 13.11.23 N/A Yes 
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