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01 Administrative Regulations (70 KB, rev 1)
01 Introduction (61 MB, rev 1)
02 Introduction to Data Science (29 MB, rev 1)
03 Introduction to AI (640 KB, rev 1)
04 Introduction to Python see notebooks "04a Jupyter.ipynb", "04b Python Variables, Data Structures, and Control Logic.ipynb", and " 04c Hands-On.ipynb"
05 Introduction to Python see notebooks "05a Python Functions, Recursion, External Libraries" and "05b Hands-On"
06 Machine Learning Introduction (5.1 MB, rev 1)
06 Machine Learning Introduction — Neural Networks (16 MB, rev 1)
07 Machine Learning Backpropagation (13 MB, rev 1)
08 Machine Learning CNNs (21 MB, rev 1)
09 AlphaGo 1 (3.7 MB, rev 3) Slides for the lectures on November 14 and 18.

Revision 3: Small changes in explanation of MCTS vs reinforcement learning.
10 AlphaGo 2 (2.0 MB, rev 2) Slides for the lectures on November 18 and 21.
15 Object detection and segmentation (41 MB, rev 1)
16 Intro to language processing (13 MB, rev 1)
17 Syntax and semantics of natural language (2.4 MB, rev 1)
18 Sprachmodelle (2.9 MB, rev 1)
19 Sprachgenerierung (8.0 MB, rev 1)
20 Pragmatik (6.6 MB, rev 1)
21 Machine Translation (5.0 MB, rev 1)
22 Databases 1 (5.7 MB, rev 1)
23 Databases 2 (91 MB, rev 1)
24 Databases 3 (313 KB, rev 1)
25 Databases 4 (11 MB, rev 1)
relevant for exam (2.1 KB, rev 4) added entries for Databases 1--4
remove extension from file name

00 Hello World (1.1 KB, rev 1)
04a Jupyter (3.9 MB, rev 3) renamed to match slide numbering
04b Python Variables, Data Structures, and Control Logic (50 KB, rev 3) renamed to match slide numbering
04c Hands-On (11 KB, rev 2) renamed to match slide numbering
05a Python Functions, Recursion, External Libraries (38 KB, rev 3) removed numpy
05b Hands-On (5.2 KB, rev 1)
22 CPU vs IO, a Performance Primer (43 KB, rev 1)
22 LRU buffer (5.4 KB, rev 1)
24 Indexing by Recursive External Partitioning (30 KB, rev 1)
25 Digit-wise vs Integer-comparison (4.3 KB, rev 1)
25 z-codes (12 KB, rev 1)
cars.pandas (34 KB, rev 1)
DE.shuffled (23 MB, rev 1) remove extension from file name
Vagrantfile (5.7 KB, rev 2) command to upgrade: vagrant up --provision-with miniconda,python-packages

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