
Correction: exam inspection room

Written on 19.07.24 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Dear students,

there was a mistake in the last message with regard to the room.

The inspection of the exam will take place on Monday, July 29th, 13:15 - 14:45 in HS003 (E1 3).

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

Results Main Exam

Written on 18.07.24 (last change on 19.07.24) by Felix Jahn

Dear students, 

we have published the results of the main exam, they are visible on your personal status page. The inspection will take place on Monday, July 29th, 13:15 - 14:45 in HS003 in E1 3
The re-exam will take place on Monday, October 7th. More detailed information on the re-exam will… Read more

Dear students, 

we have published the results of the main exam, they are visible on your personal status page. The inspection will take place on Monday, July 29th, 13:15 - 14:45 in HS003 in E1 3
The re-exam will take place on Monday, October 7th. More detailed information on the re-exam will follow in due course. 

Kind regards, 
The Statistics Lab Team


Written on 04.07.24 by Verena Wolf

Dear Students,

Due to a technical issue, my microphone did not record last Monday. I dedicated this morning to re-recording the entire session. I went through all the material again and did a screencast to ensure you have not only the slides but also my explanations.

The new recording is now… Read more

Dear Students,

Due to a technical issue, my microphone did not record last Monday. I dedicated this morning to re-recording the entire session. I went through all the material again and did a screencast to ensure you have not only the slides but also my explanations.

The new recording is now available (see materials). Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions. 

Best regards,
V. Wolf.

Exam details

Written on 03.07.24 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Hi everyone,

the following contains information regarding the final exam next Monday. Please read it carefully and ask questions in the forum or by mail in advance.

The exam will start on Monday, July 8, at 8:15 am and will take place in two rooms: GHH and building E1.3, Lecture Hall… Read more

Hi everyone,

the following contains information regarding the final exam next Monday. Please read it carefully and ask questions in the forum or by mail in advance.

The exam will start on Monday, July 8, at 8:15 am and will take place in two rooms: GHH and building E1.3, Lecture Hall 002. It will last 90 minutes.

You are allowed to bring one DIN A4 page with handwritten notes on both sides, no further auxiliary aids (in particular no calculator) are allowed.

Seating will begin at 8:00. We will put up seating plans next to the lecture hall entrances. You should look up your personal seat as well as the lecture hall also already now on your Personal Status page.

When entering, please leave your jackets and bags on the sides, turn off all electronic devices (smartphones, laptops, smartwatches, ...) and leave them in your bag.

Take to your seat only

  • your UdS card as well as personal identification,
  • writing materials (pens, rulers, ...),
  • your cheat sheet,
  • food and drinks if necessary.

You are not allowed to bring/use your own paper. We will provide you with enough paper during the exam.

Please make sure to arrive at the lecture hall on time at 8:00.

Kind regards and much success!

Admission to the exam

Written on 27.06.24 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Dear student,

we have graded all exercise sheets and compiled a list of students admitted to the exam in the materials section. Please do check whether you are admitted and if not deregister on LSF. The admission criterion is 50% on the combined score in percent (the sum does not take into account… Read more

Dear student,

we have graded all exercise sheets and compiled a list of students admitted to the exam in the materials section. Please do check whether you are admitted and if not deregister on LSF. The admission criterion is 50% on the combined score in percent (the sum does not take into account missed minitests with legitimate reasons). If you are not admitted to the exam, you can retake the course next year.

For students not on LSF there is also the possibility to register for the exam in cms. Make sure to register/deregister until July 1, 23:55!

Kind regards,



Extra Session Next Monday (in Bld E25)

Written on 27.06.24 by Verena Wolf

Dear all,

I am offering an extra session on Monday, July 1st, where I will present some additional parameter estimation examples and discuss the mock exam. 
Due to urgent repair work in Günter-Hotz-Lecture Hall we have to meet in Building E2 5, Lecture Hall II.

Best regards,
Verena Wolf.

Office Hour & Inspection Room Change - Part 2

Written on 26.06.24 by Felix Jahn

Good morning everyone!

Also for today's office hour, we have to announce a last-minute room change as it will again take place in E 1.3, seminar room 328. 

Have a nice day!

Mock Exam

Written on 25.06.24 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

we just published a mock exam under Materials/Tutorial Sheets for you to use as additional preparatory material.

Bes regards,
The Statistics Lab Team

Office Hour & Inspection Room Change

Written on 25.06.24 by Felix Jahn

Dear Students, 

we have to make a last-minute room change for today's office hour and minitest inspection: The office hour will take place in building E 1.3, seminar room 328. 

See you there! 

Cheat sheet, registration, admission

Written on 24.06.24 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Dear student,

in the exam, you will be allowed to use a hand-written double-sided A4 cheat sheet.

Please note that if you have not yet registered, you can still register until next Monday. You are admitted to the exam if your combined score (percentage) is above 50. The final results on this… Read more

Dear student,

in the exam, you will be allowed to use a hand-written double-sided A4 cheat sheet.

Please note that if you have not yet registered, you can still register until next Monday. You are admitted to the exam if your combined score (percentage) is above 50. The final results on this including exercise sheet 5 will be available Wednesday the latest.

We also published solutions for the tutorial sheets under materials.

Best wishes and best of luck for your exam preparations,



Minitest 5 & inspections

Written on 17.06.24 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Dear students,

results from Minitest 5 are available on cms.

Due to student requests we decided not to do the inspections during the tutorial slots this week, but rather in two separate time slots, namely:

Tuesday, June 25, 13:30-14:30

Wednesday, June 26, 9:30-10:30

in room E1.1, SR… Read more

Dear students,

results from Minitest 5 are available on cms.

Due to student requests we decided not to do the inspections during the tutorial slots this week, but rather in two separate time slots, namely:

Tuesday, June 25, 13:30-14:30

Wednesday, June 26, 9:30-10:30

in room E1.1, SR 1.21.

You can also come to these sessions with general questions and there will be also two additional office hours in the week before the exam.

Best wishes,


Minitest inspection session 2

Written on 10.06.24 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Dear student,

The inspection of minitests 3,4, and 5 will take place in the tutorial sessions in the week of June 17.

Best wishes,


Exercise Sheet D

Written on 03.06.24 by Felix Jahn

Dear students,

we have published the fourth exercise sheet in the Materials section of the Statistics Lab CMS. The sheet is due June 10, 12 pm and can be submitted via the CMS.

Kind regards,
the Statistics Lab team.

Exercise Sheet C - Deadline Extension

Written on 27.05.24 by Felix Jahn

Dear students, 

due to a mistake on our side regarding the deadline of Exercise Sheet C (the deadline on the sheet was until tomorrow, May 28, while the deadline in the CMS was only until today, May 27), we extend the deadline of the submission in the CMS in your favor until tomorrow, May 28,… Read more

Dear students, 

due to a mistake on our side regarding the deadline of Exercise Sheet C (the deadline on the sheet was until tomorrow, May 28, while the deadline in the CMS was only until today, May 27), we extend the deadline of the submission in the CMS in your favor until tomorrow, May 28, 12:00.

Best wishes and a nice evening!

Tutorials merged from next week on

Written on 27.05.24 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Dear students,


due to a drop in attendance, we will merge some of the tutorial groups, namely:

Tutorial 3 gets merged with Tutorial 4 (tutor: Henry, Room: SR 016 in E1 3)

Tutorial 5 gets merged with Tutorial 9 (tutor: Ivo, Room: SR 107 in E1.3)

Tutorial 7 gets merged with Tutorial 8… Read more

Dear students,


due to a drop in attendance, we will merge some of the tutorial groups, namely:

Tutorial 3 gets merged with Tutorial 4 (tutor: Henry, Room: SR 016 in E1 3)

Tutorial 5 gets merged with Tutorial 9 (tutor: Ivo, Room: SR 107 in E1.3)

Tutorial 7 gets merged with Tutorial 8 (tutor: Matthew or Ilia, depending on availability, Room: SR 107 in E1.3)


This week, there are no tutorials due to the public holiday on Thursday, but there is an office hour on Wednesday at 10-11 in room E1.1, SR 1.21. You are welcome to come there with any questions regarding the content of the course.


After inspection of the minitests, there were some requests for adjustments that we now processed, the concerning minitest scores were updated. If you asked for an adjustment and your score did not get updated, this means that the team decided that scoring was adequat.


Best wishes,



Exercise Sheet C & Topics

Written on 21.05.24 (last change on 21.05.24) by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

we just published the third exercise sheet in the Materials section of the Statistics Lab CMS. The sheet is due May 27, 12 pm and can be submitted via the CMS.

Furthermore, note that the mini test next week will not cover additional topics due to being postponed. It may only cover… Read more

Dear students,

we just published the third exercise sheet in the Materials section of the Statistics Lab CMS. The sheet is due May 27, 12 pm and can be submitted via the CMS.

Furthermore, note that the mini test next week will not cover additional topics due to being postponed. It may only cover those topics discussed in the lectures prior to this week.

Kind regards,
the Statistics Lab team.

Tomorrow's Lecture & Postponement of Minitest

Written on 20.05.24 by Felix Jahn

Good evening everyone,

We hope that all of you came unscathed through the rain and floodings of the last days!

For tomorrow morning, there are new official warnings from the authorities (heavy rain & potential flooding). Therefore, the Minitest actually planned for tomorrow will not take placeRead more

Good evening everyone,

We hope that all of you came unscathed through the rain and floodings of the last days!

For tomorrow morning, there are new official warnings from the authorities (heavy rain & potential flooding). Therefore, the Minitest actually planned for tomorrow will not take place but is postponed to next Monday, May 27. Tomorrow's lecture will take place regularly starting at 8:30 am and will be recorded and uploaded as usual.

Have a nice evening and best wishes
The StatLab24 Team

Exercise Sheet B & Office Hour Wednesday

Written on 06.05.24 by Felix Jahn

Dear students,

we just published the second exercise sheet in the Materials section of the Statistics Lab CMS.
The sheet is due May 13, 12 pm and can be submitted via the CMS.

Please keep in mind that, due to a public holiday on this Thursday, we will have no tutorials in this week.
Instead,… Read more

Dear students,

we just published the second exercise sheet in the Materials section of the Statistics Lab CMS.
The sheet is due May 13, 12 pm and can be submitted via the CMS.

Please keep in mind that, due to a public holiday on this Thursday, we will have no tutorials in this week.
Instead, there will be an office hour on Wednesday, which will take place in E1.1, SR 1.21. 
We look forward to seeing you there. 

Kind regards,
the Statistics Lab team.

Minitest inspections

Written on 03.05.24 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Dear student,

it will be possible to inspect minitest 1 and minitest 2 within your regular tutorial session in the week of May 13, during the last 20 minutes of the regular tutorial slot.

The inspection of minitests 3 and 4 will take place similarly in the tutorial sessions in the week of June… Read more

Dear student,

it will be possible to inspect minitest 1 and minitest 2 within your regular tutorial session in the week of May 13, during the last 20 minutes of the regular tutorial slot.

The inspection of minitests 3 and 4 will take place similarly in the tutorial sessions in the week of June 3, and minitest 5 can be inspected in the week of June 17.

Best wishes,


Exercise Sheet A

Written on 29.04.24 by Joschka Groß

Dear students,

we just published the first exercise sheet in the Materials section of the Statistics Lab CMS.

The sheet is due May 6, 12 pm and can be submitted via the CMS.

Kind regards,
the Statistics Lab team.

Team groupings

Written on 29.04.24 (last change on 29.04.24) by Emilia Ellsiepen

We have completed the team grouping. Everybody who indicated their interest of taking the course for credit by joining or creating a team should have ended up in a group of 3-4 students now.

Please note that you can only hand in exercise sheets as part of a team, not individually. If you intend to… Read more

We have completed the team grouping. Everybody who indicated their interest of taking the course for credit by joining or creating a team should have ended up in a group of 3-4 students now.

Please note that you can only hand in exercise sheets as part of a team, not individually. If you intend to take the course for credit, but did not join or create a team, please immediately contact We will try to add you to an existing team.

If during the course of the semester somebody from your team drops out resulting in a teamsize < 3, you may contact us and we will try to merge you with another group.


Teams for exercises

Written on 24.04.24 (last change on 25.04.24) by Emilia Ellsiepen

The first exercise sheet will be published next Monday and it has to be solved in a group of 3-4 students. Many of you have already found a team, but a lot of you have not. Please take the opportunity in this week's tutorials to find team mates as although it is not required to be in the same… Read more

The first exercise sheet will be published next Monday and it has to be solved in a group of 3-4 students. Many of you have already found a team, but a lot of you have not. Please take the opportunity in this week's tutorials to find team mates as although it is not required to be in the same tutorial, it makes things easier for you and us.

If you did not find a team yet but are planning to take the course for credit, please create a team for yourself - this way, we know who needs to be grouped. We will merge existing groups next Monday.

Tutorial assignment

Written on 23.04.24 (last change on 24.04.24) by Emilia Ellsiepen

The tutorial assignment is completed and the first tutorials will take place this week.

If you have a conflict with the tutorial slot you were assigned, please get in touch with Please note that this only applies to actual conflicts and not preferences for a different slot.

Show all

Course Goals

This course serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of statistics and probability theory and will cover most of the core principles of modern data analysis and predictive modeling.  


  • Descriptive Statistics and Visualizations in Python
  • Probabilities and Discrete Random Variables
  • Continuous Random Variables and Laws of Large Numbers
  • Parameter Estimation
  • Statistical Testing
  • Computer Simulations and Monte Carlo Methods
  • Stochastic Processes


Lecture Modalities:

  • Weekly recorded on-site lecture (Mo. 8:30-10 am, not on April 15th). Video course and lecture notes as supplementary online resources.
  • First three weeks of term only: Additional recorded on-site lecture (Tue. 8:30-10 am). The first lecture is on April 16th.
  • Written on-site exam on the 8th of July, 8:00-10:00
  • Written minitests administered in the lecture every second session
  • Graded exercise sheets to be prepared in groups of 3-4 students
  • Students are invited to form groups until April 28. All registered students that have not found a group will be assigned a group on April 29.
  • Exam admission is tied to achieving a total score of at least 50% for a combined score on minitests and exercise sheets (2/3 minitests, 1/3 exercise sheets)
  • Exam bonus for students that score >90% on the combined score
  • On-site tutorials (Thu 8:30-10am, Thu 10:15am-12pm, Thu 14:15-15:45pm or Fri 14:15-15:45)



The registration for this course is open from April 15, 8:30am to April 19, 11:59pm. When registering you will have to state your preferences regarding the time of your tutorial as well as your preferred language. Adapted to your demand, we will offer tutorials in German, English and bilingual, where the main language is English, but questions may also be asked in German.

General Information

  • The first lecture will take place on Tuesday the 16th of April at 8:30 am (GHH lecture hall).
  • for organizational questions, please contact Emilia Ellsiepen
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