
Additional tutoring sessions before resit exam

Written on 29.08.2024 14:37 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Dear students,

we are offering three extra sessions to help you prepare for the resit exam in October. In each session, one of the tutors will give a general recap of the topic and apply it on one of the existing exercises (60-90 minutes). After that, you will have the chance to further work on the existing material and ask questions, where one of the assistants will also be present.

Please note that we selected the topics based on what caused most problems during the main exam, this does not mean that other topics are not relevant for the resit exam. You can also bring your questions related to other topics to the second part of the tutoring sessions, but discussing the main topic will have precedence.

Here is the schedule for the tutoring sessions:

Tuesday, Sept 10, 9-12 am, HS003  Generating random variates

Monday, Sept 16, 9-12 am, HS003  Parameter estimation (MLE and MoM)

Wednesday, Sept 18, 9-12 am, HS003 Bayesian inference

We encourage you to look at the material beforehand to be able to follow and ask your questions. If you have further suggestions or want to see a specific exercise solution in one of the sessions, please write on the forum.

We also plan to offer additional open-themed office hours in the week preceding the resit exam, which are not yet fixed.

Kind regards, 
The Statistics Lab Team

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