Are we allowed to bring cheat sheets to the exam?

Yes. You can bring a double-sided and-written cheat sheet in A4. We do not accept copied or printed cheat sheets, so you cannot "hand write" on your tablet and then print it out, because we want to make sure that each student composes their cheat sheet individually.

What happens if I am sick on a minitest day?

If you are sick on a day a minitest takes place, please see a doctor and get an official certificate (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) in printed form. Send the part for the employer (Ausfertigung für den Arbeitgeber: the one without the diagnosis!) by email to Emilia Ellsiepen. This minitest will not be counted towards your composite score, which measn that your other minitests will get more weight to preserve the overall ratio of 2/3 minitest and 1/3 exercise sheet. If this happens more than twice, however, you will have missed too much content to be admitted to the exam.

If you miss a minitest without valid excuse, you will receive 0 points.

My Bus was late - can I retake the Minitest?

No. In general, we do not allow to retake a minitest. You are also responsible for coming to campus on time, i.e. you should allow for the bus to be late and not take a connection that arrives at 8:20. If there were more severe delays in public transportation (>20 min), please provide a certificate for that and we will look into the individual case.

How many people can work together on the exercise sheets?

You are required to work on the exercise sheets in teams of 3-4 students. This means, that it is not allowed to work together with more students, i.e. cooperation of multiple teams are NOT allowed or tolerated and will be treated as plagiarism.

What if participants copy exercise solutions or cheat during minitests?

Plagiarism is a form of cheating and a serious academic offence, exclusion from course and report to examination board possible.

Where can I get help if I have trouble understanding the contents or if I have questions?

  • ask during lecture
  • ask during tutorial slot
  • ask in the forum
  • ask during office hours
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