
Exam details

Written on 03.07.2024 15:00 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Hi everyone,

the following contains information regarding the final exam next Monday. Please read it carefully and ask questions in the forum or by mail in advance.

The exam will start on Monday, July 8, at 8:15 am and will take place in two rooms: GHH and building E1.3, Lecture Hall 002. It will last 90 minutes.

You are allowed to bring one DIN A4 page with handwritten notes on both sides, no further auxiliary aids (in particular no calculator) are allowed.

Seating will begin at 8:00. We will put up seating plans next to the lecture hall entrances. You should look up your personal seat as well as the lecture hall also already now on your Personal Status page.

When entering, please leave your jackets and bags on the sides, turn off all electronic devices (smartphones, laptops, smartwatches, ...) and leave them in your bag.

Take to your seat only

  • your UdS card as well as personal identification,
  • writing materials (pens, rulers, ...),
  • your cheat sheet,
  • food and drinks if necessary.

You are not allowed to bring/use your own paper. We will provide you with enough paper during the exam.

Please make sure to arrive at the lecture hall on time at 8:00.

Kind regards and much success!

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