Registration for this course is open until Saturday, 30.11.2024 23:59.


Currently, no news are available

Perspectives of Computer Science

Lectures: The lecture is a first orientation towards different research areas in Computer Science and related fields, covered by local world-class experts. Different PIs of Saarland Informatics Campus and CISPA present their various research topics (in English). 

Organisation: Prof. Dr. Sven Rahmann, Nima Amini

Time: Every Monday, starting 21.10.2024, at 14:15 - 15:45

Location: Lecture hall 1 in E2.5 (math lecture hall building)
Lectures will also be recorded (at least some of them) and available for viewing until (at leat) the end of the week.

Prerequisites: none; the lecture is for beginning students in computer science.

Passing the course:

  • This is a mandatory but ungraded course for 2 ECTS credits.
  • After every lecture, there will be an online quiz that must be taken by each student. A certain number of correct answers (60%) must be given in the quizzes to pass the course. (Students whose study plan counts this course with only 1 ECTS credit need to get half of that, i.e. 30%).
  • The quizzes are in here in the CMS (called "online tests").
  • Quizzes consist of approximately 10 multiple-choice questions.
  • Quizzes are open till Friday after the lecture, 23:59. Results will be available after the quiz closes.
  • You can revisit and edit your answers until the deadline.

Important registration information:

  • You must register for this course on this website (CMS) in order to access the recorded lectures and other material.
  • You must register for the exam of this course separately in HIS/POS (LSF) until 30.11.2024; otherwise you cannot get credit. No exceptions; no late registrations. If you forget the HIS/POS registration, you cannot get credit even if you get 60% of all quiz points!
    (Note: LL.M. students and some other groups, like junior students, cannot register in LSF, HIS/POS. Only in these cases it is sufficient to be registered here (in the CMS). You will get a written confirmation if you pass the course to hand over to your examination office, or your exam office will be informed directly).


  • Please read the FAQ below first, then use the "Forum".
  • To connect with each other, we may also set up a discord server for everyone. However, it will not be monitored by the organization team.



Date Presenter: Topic
21.10.2024  Sven Rahmann: Introduction, Organziation, short talk on Bioinformatics (with a practice quiz)
28.10.2024  Martina Maggio: Verification of Control Systems
04.11.2024  Jilles Vreeken: The Lecture of Why
11.11.2024  Benjamin Kaminski: Ancient and Modern (Quantitative) Verification
18.11.2024  Jürgen Steimle: Human-Computer Integration
25.11.2024  Andrea Volkamer: Computer-Aided Drug Design
02.12.2024  Verena Wolf: Does Mechanistic Modeling Become Obsolete in the Era of Deep Learning?
09.12.2024  Kerstin Reese: Teaching Computer Science to Young People
16.12.2024  Derek Dreyer: Rust without Trust
(holidays)  ---
13.01.2025  Jan Reineke: Synthesizing Leakage Contracts
20.01.2024  Thorsten Herfet: On the 5G Campus Network
27.01.2024  Philipp Slusallek: Trusted AI
03.02.2024  --- (spare slot in case something has to move)


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • How do I register in LSF / HISPOS ?

    Registration has to be completed till 30.11.2024 !
    Please choose exam number 10036 in "Prüfungsstrukturbaum" -> "Informatik" -> "Bachelor" -> "Lecture Series on Topics in Computer Science". (This does not apply to LL.M students, who cannot register in HISPOS/LSF. They will receive a written confirmation letter at the end of the course.)

  • I forgot to finish a quiz in time. Can I do a late submission?
    No; you'll get 0 points for this quiz. Don´t worry, you only need 60%, so it's enough to make sure you do well in the following weeks.

  • I started the quiz, then time ran out, and I never submitted. What now?
    The questions that you have answered within the time frame will be graded; the remainder will be scored with zero.

Earlier versions of "Perspektiven der Informatik"


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