Quiz 12: the last quizWritten on 28.01.25 by Nima Amini Dear Students, We had our last lecture of the course yesterday with professor Philipp Slusallek about "Trusted AI". The quiz will be available for you around 12:00 today, and the deadline for this quiz will be extended to Sunday evening (until February 2nd, at 23:59). If you still need some points… Read more Dear Students, We had our last lecture of the course yesterday with professor Philipp Slusallek about "Trusted AI". The quiz will be available for you around 12:00 today, and the deadline for this quiz will be extended to Sunday evening (until February 2nd, at 23:59). If you still need some points to pass the course (at most 10), consider quiz 12 as the last opportunity to collect some points. I hope you enjoyed the course and wish you a good preparation for your exams. |
Clarification on number of quizzes, points and passing thresholdWritten on 23.01.25 by Sven Rahmann There were some questions about the points achievable in the quizzes. There are a total of 12 quizzes. Quiz 1 was a practice quiz, however, and not graded. This leaves 11 graded quizzes with 10 points each fr a total of 110 points. 60% of this is 66 points. To pass, you need 66 points or more and… Read more There were some questions about the points achievable in the quizzes. There are a total of 12 quizzes. Quiz 1 was a practice quiz, however, and not graded. This leaves 11 graded quizzes with 10 points each fr a total of 110 points. 60% of this is 66 points. To pass, you need 66 points or more and be registered for the exam. To fail, you need less than 66 points and be registered for the exam. If you are not registered for the exam, you neither pass nor fail, but are considered as not have taken the course. For students of LLM IT&Recht, differerent rules apply.
IMPORTANT: Exceptional late exam registration now possibleWritten on 09.01.25 by Sven Rahmann Dear students of Perspectives of CS, because of many problems with LSF/HISPOS registration, unclear communication from our side and after consultation with the exam offices, we have decided to re-open LSF registration for a VERY SHORT PERIOD of time (see below). As communicated at the beginning… Read more Dear students of Perspectives of CS, because of many problems with LSF/HISPOS registration, unclear communication from our side and after consultation with the exam offices, we have decided to re-open LSF registration for a VERY SHORT PERIOD of time (see below). As communicated at the beginning of the course, exam registration for the Perspectives course was originally only possible until November 30, 2024. In general, you are always responsible by yourself for registering in LSF in good time. Exceptionally, the registration in the LSF will be activated for you from TODAY until Wednesday, January 15 until 23:00. Please take advantage of this if you wish to register, as there will be no further exceptions. Register TODAY. Note that you CANNOT unregister if you register now. If you have problems registering in the LSF, please send an email to the Computer Science Coordination Office (studium@cs.uni-saarland), clearly stating your wish to register for the exam. You must also attach proof (screenshot) of what the problem is with LSF. Please do not send e-mails concerning this to course instructors or organizers, as this cannot count as official registration, and we do not have system access anyway. Exam registration is exclusively handled through exam offices for legal purposes. If the exam office of your study program (such as LLM IT & Recht) requires an additional proof of registration, please also inform them. If you are an economics student, exchange student (e.g. Erasmus+) or junior student in the Department of Computer Science, it may not be possible to register in the LSF. If you are in this situation and have not registered by e-mail by 30.11., proceed as above and clearly indicate your study program. Important:
Please use the following email subject: Registration for Perspectives of Computer Science exam Text body: Matriculation number: Full name: Study program: (e.g. exchange student or junior student) (end of email text) Do attach a screenshot with an error message if you are writing the email for a technical reason; otherwise, the study program is explanation enough. The mixture of different systems for different programs and the impossibility of a uniform exam registration for this course is very unfortunate, and we are working on better solutions for next year. We apologize for the inconveniences. Note that I have deleted all emails sent to me, as I am not legally allowed to handle registrations. Best regards, |
Sorry for the ConfusionWritten on 06.01.25 by Sven Rahmann Dear all, I apologize for all the confusion. After consulting with the exam offices: the deadline of 30.11. remains firm (although for me, it reads like 31.03.2025 in the system. Again, I do not have the ability to change or modify the exam registration system. I also do not have the student view… Read more Dear all, I apologize for all the confusion. After consulting with the exam offices: the deadline of 30.11. remains firm (although for me, it reads like 31.03.2025 in the system. Again, I do not have the ability to change or modify the exam registration system. I also do not have the student view of the system). So if you were not registered by 30.11., there are no exceptions. The only groups who register otherwise were detailed in my previous post. I apologize if there was no reminder about the deadline. I have received numerous emails like "I hereby register for the exam. Please tell me the date." This shows, unfortunately, that you have not read the course instructions. I have to ignore such emails. Again, if you belong to one of the student groups who do not register in LSF HISPOS for the Perspectives of Computer Science exam, and ONLY THEN, please send an email and DO STATE YOUR SUBJECT OF STUDY, so I can forward your results to your exam office. Where I do not have sufficent information, nothing will happen, and you will wonder why you did not pass the course. |
Exam RegistrationWritten on 06.01.25 by Sven Rahmann Dear all, if you have not done so last year, please be sure to register for the exam in the LSF (or HISPOS) system ( The exam number is 10036. Students of the following subjects cannot register in LSF. For them, the registration here in the CMS is… Read more Dear all, if you have not done so last year, please be sure to register for the exam in the LSF (or HISPOS) system ( The exam number is 10036. Students of the following subjects cannot register in LSF. For them, the registration here in the CMS is sufficient. - Wirtschaftsinformatik Students of the following subjects may experience difficulties. If they cannot register, they should send an email with their name, MatNr, and confirmation that they do indeed partake in the exam to This is not necessary if the LSF registration works, which is the preferred way. - VSIMint Please take care of this as soon as possible.
Exam Regisatration & No lecture on 06.01.Written on 02.01.25 by Sven Rahmann Happy new year everyone! The will be no lecture on Monday 06.01. The next lecture is on Monday 13.01.2025. As I have received a number of emails concerning LSF exam registration; please read the homepage of this course. I cannot help with late registration; I don't even have access to the… Read more Happy new year everyone! The will be no lecture on Monday 06.01. The next lecture is on Monday 13.01.2025. As I have received a number of emails concerning LSF exam registration; please read the homepage of this course. I cannot help with late registration; I don't even have access to the registration system. This is a matter of your exam office, and the exam office does typically not grant exceptions. |
Quiz 06 extended till tonightWritten on 02.12.24 by Sven Rahmann There were some technical problems with the CMS system on the weekend. Therefore, quiz 06 has been extended till tonight 23:55. Results will be computed tomorrow. Quiz 07 will start today after the lecture at 16:00 regularly and be available till Friday evening.
Course Materials; QuizWritten on 28.11.24 by Sven Rahmann Dear all, due to the delay in providing the lecture materials for this week, the quiz is extended until the end of the weekend (Sunday, 23:55). A video and slides are now available. |
Quiz 03 Question 08Written on 07.11.24 by Sven Rahmann We apologize for a mistake in Quiz 08, Question 08, as it makes no sense. The correct question is: Q8: Is P( T | do(V) ) = P(T) correct or incorrect? The quiz has been edited accordingly, but if you have already opened it, you might always see the old version.
Lecture 3 (Jilles Vreeken) onlineWritten on 05.11.24 by Sven Rahmann Lecture 3 and the slides are available in the Materials section now. Please remember to do the quiz until Friday. The results for the quiz of last week are visible on your personal status page. The correct answers can be downloaded in the Materials section. An individual quiz is neither passed… Read more Lecture 3 and the slides are available in the Materials section now. Please remember to do the quiz until Friday. The results for the quiz of last week are visible on your personal status page. The correct answers can be downloaded in the Materials section. An individual quiz is neither passed nor not passed. At the end, you need to have collected enough points over all quizzes. Assuming 11 quizzes for 10 points each, you need to collect 60% of 110 points, that is 66 points, over the semester. (For LL.M. students, that is 30% or 33 points.) In case of more or fewer quizzes, adjust accordingly. |
Lecture 2 (Martina Maggio) onlineWritten on 28.10.24 by Sven Rahmann The two-part video and the PDF slides of today's lecture are online. Unfortunately, the seond part has no sound. We apologize for this problem. The quiz is now open till Friday evening. Please also refer to the PDF slides to solve it. One point for clarification: If you have a personal specific… Read more The two-part video and the PDF slides of today's lecture are online. Unfortunately, the seond part has no sound. We apologize for this problem. The quiz is now open till Friday evening. Please also refer to the PDF slides to solve it. One point for clarification: If you have a personal specific question, please do not use the anonymous feedback feature. We cannot get back to you in this way; the system completely hides your identity. So,
Practice Quiz ResultsWritten on 26.10.24 by Sven Rahmann The results from the practice quiz are available on your personal status page. In addition, the correct answers have been uploaded to the Materials. Some remarks: - About 100 registered participants did take the practice quiz. This is not good. If there are any problems next week, they will cost… Read more The results from the practice quiz are available on your personal status page. In addition, the correct answers have been uploaded to the Materials. Some remarks: - About 100 registered participants did take the practice quiz. This is not good. If there are any problems next week, they will cost you real points. - Scores are generally very low. Most did not achieve 6 points or more. This is concerning. - No one complained about the non-sensical answers for question #7. They were a copy of the answers for question #6 and did not make sense. (For the practice quiz, you got a point if you never touched one of the anwers and had an empty answer.) For a real quiz, if this happens, please complain via the feedback feature. - Advice to protect you against technical problems: Do the quiz. Take a screenshot. Close the quiz. Wait. Re-open the quiz and check that your answers are still there. Close. (Someties, if you do not have a stable internet connections, your answers may not register immediately in the system.)
Practice Quiz onlineWritten on 22.10.24 by Sven Rahmann The practice quiz has been online since 22:00 on Monday. It seems to work fine, with 56 participants having it filled out already. Please remember to do it until Friday to receive feedback and help test the system. The first real quiz (i.e. counting for points) will start on Monday. |
First lecture onlineWritten on 21.10.24 by Sven Rahmann The video of the first lecture is now online. Please note that we do not do live streaming, so there is no live zoom link. The quiz will go online later tonight and be available till Friday, 23:55, on you Personal Status… Read more The video of the first lecture is now online. Please note that we do not do live streaming, so there is no live zoom link. The quiz will go online later tonight and be available till Friday, 23:55, on you Personal Status page. As explained, it is a practice quiz and will not count. |
Perspectives of Computer Science
Lectures: The lecture is a first orientation towards different research areas in Computer Science and related fields, covered by local world-class experts. Different PIs of Saarland Informatics Campus and CISPA present their various research topics (in English).
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Sven Rahmann, Nima Amini
Time: Every Monday, starting 21.10.2024, at 14:15 - 15:45
Location: Lecture hall 1 in E2.5 (math lecture hall building)
Lectures will also be recorded (at least some of them) and available for viewing until (at leat) the end of the week.
Prerequisites: none; the lecture is for beginning students in computer science.
Passing the course:
- This is a mandatory but ungraded course for 2 ECTS credits.
- After every lecture, there will be an online quiz that must be taken by each student. A certain number of correct answers (60%) must be given in the quizzes to pass the course. (Students whose study plan counts this course with only 1 ECTS credit need to get half of that, i.e. 30%).
- The quizzes are in here in the CMS (called "online tests").
- Quizzes consist of approximately 10 multiple-choice questions.
- Quizzes are open till Friday after the lecture, 23:59. Results will be available after the quiz closes.
- You can revisit and edit your answers until the deadline.
Important registration information:
- You must register for this course on this website (CMS) in order to access the recorded lectures and other material.
- You must register for the exam of this course separately in HIS/POS (LSF) until 30.11.2024; otherwise you cannot get credit. No exceptions; no late registrations. If you forget the HIS/POS registration, you cannot get credit even if you get 60% of all quiz points!
(Note: LL.M. students and some other groups, like junior students, cannot register in LSF, HIS/POS. Only in these cases it is sufficient to be registered here (in the CMS). You will get a written confirmation if you pass the course to hand over to your examination office, or your exam office will be informed directly).
- Please read the FAQ below first, then use the "Forum".
- To connect with each other, we may also set up a discord server for everyone. However, it will not be monitored by the organization team.
Date | Presenter: Topic |
21.10.2024 | Sven Rahmann: Introduction, Organziation, short talk on Bioinformatics (with a practice quiz) |
28.10.2024 | Martina Maggio: Verification of Control Systems |
04.11.2024 | Jilles Vreeken: The Lecture of Why |
11.11.2024 | Benjamin Kaminski: Ancient and Modern (Quantitative) Verification |
18.11.2024 | Jürgen Steimle: Human-Computer Integration |
25.11.2024 | Andrea Volkamer: Computer-Aided Drug Design |
02.12.2024 | Verena Wolf: Does Mechanistic Modeling Become Obsolete in the Era of Deep Learning? |
09.12.2024 | Kerstin Reese: Teaching Computer Science to Young People |
16.12.2024 | Derek Dreyer: Safe Systems Programming in Rust |
(holidays) | --- |
06.01.2025 | |
13.01.2025 | Jan Reineke: Synthesizing Leakage Contracts |
20.01.2025 | Thorsten Herfet: On the 5G Campus Network |
27.01.2025 | Philipp Slusallek: Trusted AI |
03.02.2025 | --- (spare slot in case something has to move) |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How do I register in LSF / HISPOS ?
Registration has to be completed till 30.11.2024 !
Please choose exam number 10036 in "Prüfungsstrukturbaum" -> "Informatik" -> "Bachelor" -> "Lecture Series on Topics in Computer Science". (This does not apply to LL.M students, who cannot register in HISPOS/LSF. They will receive a written confirmation letter at the end of the course.) -
I forgot to finish a quiz in time. Can I do a late submission?
No; you'll get 0 points for this quiz. Don´t worry, you only need 60%, so it's enough to make sure you do well in the following weeks. - I started the quiz, then time ran out, and I never submitted. What now?
The questions that you have answered within the time frame will be graded; the remainder will be scored with zero.
Earlier versions of "Perspektiven der Informatik"
- WS 2023/24 (CMS)
- WS 2022/23 (CMS)
- WS 2021/22
- WS 2019/20
- WS 2011/12