
Correcting error from yesterday's lecture on dimensionality reduction

Written on 26.07.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

I made yesterday a mistake in class that we have now corrected in the forum:

My apologies for the confusion!

Isabel Valera

Correcting error from yesterday's lecture on dimensionality reduction

Written on 26.07.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

I made yesterday a mistake in class that we have now corrected in the forum:

My apologies for the confusion!

Isabel Valera

Correcting error from yesterday's lecture on dimensionality reduction

Written on 26.07.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

I made yesterday a mistake in class that we have now corrected in the forum:

My apologies for the confusion!

Isabel Valera

ML exam information [Update: changed e-mail for manual registration]

Written on 11.07.24 (last change on 18.07.24) by Jonas Klesen

[Edit] The e-mail to write to in case you cannot register by LSF/HISPOS has changed. If you wrote an e-mail to Natalia already, please send another one to the new one.


Dear ML students,

The ML exam is approaching, as it will take place on… Read more

[Edit] The e-mail to write to in case you cannot register by LSF/HISPOS has changed. If you wrote an e-mail to Natalia already, please send another one to the new one.


Dear ML students,

The ML exam is approaching, as it will take place on August 5th at 14:00 in the GHH. Please be there a little bit earlier, to allow for a smooth beginning.

In order to take the exam, you MUST register via LSF/HISPOS by July 29th (i.e., one week before the exam date). In case that registration via LSF/HISPOS is not possible for you (and only in that case), please send an email (with your full name, study program and matriculation number) to before July 29th, so that we can register you manually.

No additional CMS registration is required for the exam.


The exam inspection will be on 13th of August, 09:30-12:30. We will post another news after results have been released to remind you of this.


Best regards,

ML Team



Today's lecture starting at 12:30pm

Written on 11.07.24 (last change on 11.07.24) by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

The lecture of today will start with 15minutes delay. 

Best regards, 

Isabel Valera



Today's later starting at 12:30pm

Written on 11.07.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

The lecture of today will start with 15minutes delay. 

Best regards, 

Isabel Valera



Recordings of Lecture 1-8

Written on 10.07.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

As several of you noticed, the links of the lecture recordings for lectures 1-8 had expired. We have now made them available again under the following link expiring (due to University policies) on August 9, 2024. I will the create a new link for the re-exam preparation.

Our apologies… Read more

Dear all,

As several of you noticed, the links of the lecture recordings for lectures 1-8 had expired. We have now made them available again under the following link expiring (due to University policies) on August 9, 2024. I will the create a new link for the re-exam preparation.

Our apologies for the inconveniences and best regards,

Isabel Valera



Lecture on July 1st will take place in E1.3, Lecture hall III

Written on 26.06.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,


I have been informed that due to urgent renovations on the GH lecture hall, our lecture next Monday (July 1st) will be moved to E1.3, Lecture Hall III.


See you all there,

Isabel Valera

Project team registration extended

Written on 20.06.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

Some of you informed us about missing the deadline for registration of teams, so we have reopened until Sunday night. Further extensions will not be consider so do register ASAP.

Best regards,


Project team registration extended

Written on 20.06.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

Some of you informed us about missing the deadline for registration of teams, so we have reopened until Sunday night. Further extensions will not be consider so do register ASAP.

Best regards,


Project team registration extended

Written on 20.06.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

Some of you informed us about missing the deadline for registration of teams, so we have reopened until Sunday night. Further extensions will not be consider so do register ASAP.

Best regards,


Evaluation of the course

Written on 19.06.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

It is time  for you to evaluate us. So if you are attending the lectures and tutorials, please share your (constructive) opinion about the course by July 17th. 

To evaluate the lecture please use this link:

To evaluate the… Read more

Dear all,

It is time  for you to evaluate us. So if you are attending the lectures and tutorials, please share your (constructive) opinion about the course by July 17th. 

To evaluate the lecture please use this link:

To evaluate the tutorials please use this link:

Many thanks for your support to further improve the course,

Prof. Isabel Valera



Project released!

Written on 27.05.24 by Jonas Klesen

Dear ML students,

In today's lecture, the project was presented. The lecture was recorded, and you can find the recording here (passcode: CP^wu1^W).

Find the most important information also in this news:

- Participation is voluntary, but highly encouraged!
- You can find the project files… Read more

Dear ML students,

In today's lecture, the project was presented. The lecture was recorded, and you can find the recording here (passcode: CP^wu1^W).

Find the most important information also in this news:

- Participation is voluntary, but highly encouraged!
- You can find the project files on the materials page. Each file has a useful description. Start with reading the project instructions.
- The project is done in teams of at most 3 people.
    - To find a team, chat up your peers, or use the forum, where we have created a category especially for finding team members.
    - To create or join a team, check your 'Personal Status' page in CMS
- The final deadline for the project is 19.08.2024. You have to upload your report and your final predictions until then.

Have fun working on the project! :-)

ML Team

Slight change in schedule

Written on 14.05.24 by Jonas Klesen

Dear ML students,

due to the cancellation of yesterdays lecture, we have now slightly adjusted the schedule.

The lecture planned for yesterday will be given on Thursday, and the lecture planned for Thursday will be held on the 23rd of May, replacing the Q&A session. We will have another Q&A… Read more

Dear ML students,

due to the cancellation of yesterdays lecture, we have now slightly adjusted the schedule.

The lecture planned for yesterday will be given on Thursday, and the lecture planned for Thursday will be held on the 23rd of May, replacing the Q&A session. We will have another Q&A session at the end of the lecture period. Beyond that, you are always welcome to ask any and all questions, e.g. in the help tutorials or in the forum.



ML Team

Lectura today cancelled

Written on 13.05.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,


Due to illness I am afraid I need to cancel today's lecture.


I'll see you all on Thursday,

Prof Isabel Valera

Lectura today cancelled

Written on 13.05.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,


Due to illness I am afraid I need to cancel today's lecture.


I'll see you all on Thursday,

Prof Isabel Valera

Lectura today cancelled

Written on 13.05.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,


Due to illness I am afraid I need to cancel today's lecture.


I'll see you all on Thursday,

Prof Isabel Valera

Forum for Q&A session on May 23

Written on 10.05.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

I have now created a forum channel where you can add your questions (e.g., about specific derivations) about the lectures so far so that I can address (a subset of) them during the Q&A session on May 23rd. 

Looking forward to your questions,

Prof. Valera

Video recordings of previous lectures now available in the material page!

Written on 26.04.24 by Isabel Valera

The video recording of past lectures are now available in the material page. You just need to click on the links provided as description to the lecture slides.

Have a nice weekend,

Prof. Valera

First lecture happening today at 12:15 at Günter-Hotz lecture hall

Written on 18.04.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

The Introductory lecture to ML core course will be happening TODAY at noon. You can join the lecture either in person (preferred option) or via Zoom. 

In addition, due to several requests, the lectures will be recorded and shared with the students via CMS!

See you soon,

Prof.… Read more

Dear all,

The Introductory lecture to ML core course will be happening TODAY at noon. You can join the lecture either in person (preferred option) or via Zoom. 

In addition, due to several requests, the lectures will be recorded and shared with the students via CMS!

See you soon,

Prof. Isabel Valera


Schedule, exam dates and first materials released

Written on 21.03.24 (last change on 21.03.24) by Jonas Klesen

Dear ML students,

welcome to this year's iteration of the ML core lecture! We have just uploaded a tentative schedule, the exam dates, the tutorial timeslots, as well as some materials with which you may refresh your prerequisite knowledge for the course.

The first lecture will be on April 18th… Read more

Dear ML students,

welcome to this year's iteration of the ML core lecture! We have just uploaded a tentative schedule, the exam dates, the tutorial timeslots, as well as some materials with which you may refresh your prerequisite knowledge for the course.

The first lecture will be on April 18th and cover course logistics and an introduction to the topic. 


ML Team

Show all

Machine Learning


In this course we will introduce the foundations of machine learning (ML). In particular, we will focus on understanding the theoretical aspects of ML that have made ML successful in a wide range of applications such as bioinformatics, computer vision, information retrieval, computer linguistics, robotics, etc.

The course gives a broad introduction into machine learning methods from a theoretical point of view. After the lecture the students should be able to solve and analyze learning problems. The lecture is based on the previous machine learning courses offered by Matthias Hein and Peter Ochs.

The tentative list of topics cover:

  • Probability theory
  • Maximum Likelihood/Maximum A Posteriori Estimators
  • Bayesian decision theory
  • Linear classification and regression
  • Model selection and evaluation
  • Convex Optimization
  • Kernel methods
  • Societal Impact of Machine Learning
  • Unsupervised learning (Clustering, Dimensionality Reduction)
  • Introduction to Deep Learning


Prerequisites: The course is targeted to students in computer science, bioinformatics, math, and related areas with a mathematical background. Students should know linear algebra and have good basic knowledge of statistics, for example by having taken Mathematics for Computer Scientists I and II (for linear algebra) and Statistics Lab or Mathematics for Computer Scientists III (for statistics). In addition, prior attendance to machine learning related courses, e.g., Elements of Machine Learning, is considered as additional useful background.


Organizational Information


Mondays 14:15h at Building E2.2  -- Günter-Hotz Lecture hall I (0.01) &
Thursdays at 12:15h  at Building E2.2  -- Günter-Hotz Lecture hall I (0.01) 

Zoom link to join the lectures online (lectures will be recorded and shared with students):

Meeting ID: 822 9140 8214

Passcode: 889008

Lectures will start on April 18th! 

Tutorials (to pick between):  

Wednesday, 12-14 in Günter-Hotz Lecture hall (0.01 of E2.2)
Thursday, 16-18 in lecture hall 003 of E1 3
Friday, 10-12 in lecture hall 003 of E1 3


Main exam: August 5th from 2 pm - 5 pm
Re-exam:   September 30th 2 pm - 5 m






[Bishop] Bishop, C. M. Pattern recognition and machine learning. Springer, 2006

[DSH] Duda, R. O., Hart, P.E., and Stork, D.G. Pattern classification (2nd edition). Wiley-Interscience 2000

[Boyd]   Boyd, S., Boyd, S. P., and Vandenberghe, L. . Convex optimization. Cambridge university press, 2004

[eML]    Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., and Friedman, J. The Elements of Statistical Learning. Springer, 2009.

[Kernels] Smola, A. J.,  & Schölkopf, B. Learning with kernels. GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik, 1998.

[DL]   Goodfellow, I., Courville, A., and Bengio, Y. Deep learning. MIT press, 2016.

[DL]   Simon J.D. Prince Understanding Deep Learning. MIT press, 2023.

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