Instructions of ML exam on Monday, August 5
Written on 01.08.2024 21:51 by Isabel Valera
Dear all,
Please find below the instructions for the ML exam, that will take place next Monday, 5th of August, at 2pm at the Günter-Hotz Lecture hall (GHH). Please be on time!
- Only students registered for the exam (according to CMS ML Exam registration) are eligible to participate in the exam.
- To be able to hand-in your exam, bring over your student card (or personal ID with picture) to identify yourself. You will need your matriculation number.
- You are allowed to write your solutions and derivations on paper using a black or blue pen.
- ML exam is an open-book exam. You are allowed to consult materials in printed form, e.g., books, slides, and your own notes while writing the exam. Digital materials are not allowed.
- The use of phones, tables, laptop or any device with WiFi or phone connection is not allowed. You can bring over and use a calculator.
- You are not allowed to consult others. Plagiarism is not condoned. If plagiarism is detected, then your case will be transferred to the corresponding examination office and evaluate under the regulations of the University.
Best regards,
ML team