
First Exam

Written on 18.07.2024 11:56 by Jan Eisenhut

Dear students,

we have finished grading the final exercise sheet. Your personal status page in CMS now shows whether you achieved the exam admission or not.

The first exam is on July 30. The exam takes place in lecture hall 001 in building E1 3, starts at 10am sharp and lasts 120 minutes. The exam is open book, meaning you can bring any materials you want, as long as they are written on or printed on paper.

If you are admitted and would like to take the exam, please make sure to register for the exam in the respective system according to your course of study (HISPOS/LSF or FlexNow). If you need to register via HIPOS/LSF, you can register (or withdraw your registration) up to one week before the exam. Please note that we may only allow you to take the exam if you are registered in accordance with the exam regulations of your degree program.


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