
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Lecture: Pattern Database Heuristics Lecture 2 16.12.20 16.12.20 No 
Lecture: PDDL; Applications Lecture 1 10.11.20 10.11.20 No 
Lecture: Planning Formalisms Lecture 2 04.11.20 04.11.20 No 
Lecture: Planning Systems and the IPC Lecture 1 02.02.21 02.02.21 No 
Lecture: Progression and Regression; Heuristic Search Lecture 1 17.11.20 17.11.20 No 
Lecture: Seach Space Surface Analysis Lecture 1 26.01.21 26.01.21 No 
Lecture: Seach Space Surface Analysis Lecture 2 20.01.21 20.01.21 No 
Office Hours Projects 4 14.01.21 14.01.21 No 
Office Hours Projects 4 19.11.20 19.11.20 No 
Office Hours Projects 4 26.11.20 26.11.20 No 
Office Hours Projects 4 03.12.20 03.12.20 No 
Office Hours Projects 4 10.12.20 10.12.20 No 
Office Hours Projects 4 17.12.20 17.12.20 No 
Office Hours Projects 4 07.01.21 07.01.21 No 
Office Hours Projects 4 21.01.21 21.01.21 No 
Office Hours Projects 04.02.21 04.02.21 No 
Office Hours Projects 4 28.01.21 28.01.21 No 
Students' Planning System Competition Tutorial 3 03.02.21 03.02.21 No 
Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 25.11.20 25.11.20 No 
Tutorial 1: Deadline Tutorial 22.11.20 22.11.20 No 
Tutorial 1: Paper exercise handout Tutorial 17.11.20 N/A Yes 
Tutorial 2 Tutorial 2 09.12.20 09.12.20 No 
Tutorial 2: Deadline Tutorial 06.12.20 06.12.20 No 
Tutorial 2: Paper exercise handout Tutorial 01.12.20 N/A Yes 
Tutorial 3 Tutorial 2 13.01.21 13.01.21 No 
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