
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Computable Real Numbers Talk 18.07.23 18.07.23 No 
The Tarski-Seidenberg Theorem Talk 11.07.23 11.07.23 No 
Local problems in groups II Talk 04.07.23 04.07.23 No 
Local problems in groups I Talk 27.06.23 27.06.23 No 
Presburger Arithmetic Talk 20.06.23 20.06.23 No 
Submission Graded Sheet Submission Deadline 20.06.23 20.06.23 No 
Post's Problem Talk 13.06.23 13.06.23 No 
Lecture Lecture SR8 1 30.05.23 30.05.23 No 
Exercise Session Sheets 3+4 Exercise Session SR 8 1 23.05.23 23.05.23 No 
Submission Deadline Sheet 3+4 Submission Deadline 22.05.23 22.05.23 No 
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