
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
no lecture today! replaced by videos: NSA (Part 1) Lectures videos 3 16.05.24 16.05.24 No 
Data Journalism Lectures video, no live lecture this week 3 27.06.24 27.06.24 No 
Talk by Richard Hipp, Creator of SQLite Lectures GHH 25.06.24 25.06.24 No 
Tutorial 9 Tutorials E2 2 - Lecture Hall 0.01 (Günter-Hotz) 27 07.05.24 07.05.24 No 
Tutorial 9 Tutorials E2 2 - Lecture Hall 0.01 (Günter-Hotz) 27 30.04.24 30.04.24 No 
IMDb (Part 1) Lectures E2 2 - Lecture Hall 0.01 (Günter-Hotz) 3 25.04.24 25.04.24 No 
Trading, Banking, and Ticket Systems (Part 1) Lectures E2 2 - Lecture Hall 0.01 (Günter-Hotz) 3 04.07.24 04.07.24 No 
Query Optimisation (Part 1) Lectures E2 2 - Lecture Hall 0.01 (Günter-Hotz) 3 06.06.24 06.06.24 No 
Query Optimisation (Part 2) Lectures E2 2 - Lecture Hall 0.01 (Günter-Hotz) 3 13.06.24 13.06.24 No 
NSA (Part 2) Lectures E2 2 - Lecture Hall 0.01 (Günter-Hotz) 3 23.05.24 23.05.24 No 
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