
Event Category
Talk by Richard Hipp, Creator of SQLite

If you measure success by the number of deployments, SQLite dominates the
database world. There are more instances of SQLite running today than all
other database engines combined. Why is this? How did SQLite come to be
so widely used? What makes SQLite different?

This talk attempts to answer those questions by reviewing the unusual
design and implementation choices in SQLite, and showing how those
choices make SQLite well suited for mobile phones, appliances,
applications, and the "internet of things" where SQLite is often found.
The talk will delve into SQLite's use of bytecode, the techniques used
to achieve ACID power-safe transactions, and the query planning

This talk is targeted toward listeners who are familiar with
other database implementations, but it also accessible to people with
only a general computer programming background and who just want to
know more about how an SQL database engine works behind the scenes.

Short Bio:
Richard Hipp is an entrepreneur based in Charlotte, NC, USA, and the founder
and lead developer for SQLite as well as several other open-source projects.
He has been an invited speaker at universities around the world, including
MIT, Harvard, CMU, NYU, IIT Kharagpur, Politechnika GdaƄska, and others.

Richard never intended to become a "database guy". His PhD dissertation
(Duke University, 1992) was in computational linguistics, and his
undergraduate studies were in electrical engineering and digital signal
processing. Because he did not come up inside the database community,
Richard brings a different perspective to database design, implementation,
and usage.

When he isn't sitting at the keyboard writing code (his usual habitat),
Richard can often be found out on long-distance runs or cooking vegetarian
meals with his wife, Ginger. 
25.06.2024 12:15
25.06.2024 14:00
the whole day
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