
first lecture is on Oct 15th!

Written on 12.10.24 by Vera Demberg

Dear students,

the first lecture of this course will take place on Tuesday Oct 15th! Please don't miss it!

Also, make sure that you have signed up for CMS and tutorials on time (before 4pm on Oct 15th) - the tutorial assignment will be done on the evening of Tues 15th.

Vera Demberg

Lecture with tutorials

held by: Prof. Vera Demberg

Location:         Geb. E2 2 - Hörsaal 0.01 (Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal)

Lecture:  Tuesdays, starting on 15.10.2024  at 08.30 -10.00 a.m.

Tutorials:       Thursdays 8:30-10:00, Thursdays 10:15-11:45, Fridays 12:15-13:45 OR Fridays 14:15-15:45

Exam:      tba

Re-sit exam:     tba

suitable for:     B.Sc. / M.Sc.

There are 3 kinds of exercises: datacamp courses, class sheets and homework sheets.

DataCamp exercises will be given each week, access will be available for you after signing up (see Materials section for details). Only few of them are obligatory, the rest is an offer to you to get additional practise.

The first obligatory datacamp assignment is due already by the end of the first week! Make sure to register on datacamp and download and install R on your computer as indicated under materials before the first tutorial session.

For the class sheets and the homework sheets you will work together in assignment groups of 3 students. The students have to be in the same tutorial, as class sheets are worked on in the tutorials. You can form assignment groups in the first tutorial session, so make sure to attend the tutorial in the first week (we will assign your tutorial Tuesday night)

The class sheets have to be solved within the first part of each tutorial session in your assignment group. Only group members that were present will receive credit for it. When solving the class sheet, you will be able to ask questions and get feedback from the tutor. Class sheets can involve programming exercises (please bring a computer to the tutorial!) or pen-and-paper exercises.

The homework sheets will be available on this site each week after the lecture. They are always due on Saturday night. You have to solve them in the same assignment group as the class sheet.

To be admitted to the exam:
- DataCamp: you need to do all obligatory DataCamp exercises.
- class sheets (PDFs or R files): you can miss or fail 2 complete sheets without excuses. If you are ill and have to miss more sheets, please contact us.
- homework sheets (PDFs or R files): you can miss or fail 1 complete sheet without excuses. If you are ill and have to miss more sheets, please contact us.
A whole sheet is counted as completed only if you made a good attempt to solve each question or if you at least formulated why you couldn't solve it and what you have tried.

We are following two books:

  • Learning statistics with R: A tutorial for psychology students and other beginners by Danielle Navarro
  • Statistical Methods for Psychology by David C. Howell

If you are retaking the course and have admission to writing the exam already, you do not need to enrol in a tutorial (choose "no tutorial" option). You also do not need to hand in class or homework sheets or complete datacamp courses. You are welcome to attend tutorials.

This class is supported by DataCamp, which allows students to take online classes with automatic code correction for learning R, Python and SQL.
The courses combine short expert videos and hands-on-the-keyboard exercises.

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