
Evaluation of tutorial format - results and remarks

Written on 08.01.2025 14:21 by Emilia Ellsiepen

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback in our tutorial evaluation (btw the poll is still open, if you want to answer and haven't done so already)!

We were happy to learn that, in general, students feel that they profit from the tutorials in their current format, although some students noted that it is difficult to accommodate an obligatory tutorial.


There were a couple of points mentioned (reformulated below), we would like to comment on:

1. "The strict attendance of tutorials is not feasible in winter, because of flu season"
Please note that your absence will not be counted as a fail, if you provide a doctor's certificate for your tutorial time! You can find more information on this in the FAQ and in the Lecture Modalities (Materials section on cms)

2. "Tutorials should be used to present the solutions of prior sheets."
The last 30 minutes of the tutorials are already reserved for that - if you want to see more details, please feel free to contact your tutor about it. In the past, we have presented solutions in great detail in tutorials, but attendance was low.

3. "Tutorials should be used to explain how to approach a problem and solve it accurately to prepare us for the exam"
While working on the class sheets, you are highly encouraged to talk to your tutor and ask for guidance, whenever needed. If you don't know how to approach a problem, they can give you hints and you are welcome to ask for more details in the last 30 minutes of the tutorial slot. We believe that solving class sheets and homework sheets is indeed the best possible preparation for the exam.

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