Datacamp only allows me to do the first chapter and then asks for me to upgrade to continue. What should I do?

You only have this problem, if you did not join the classroom, which provides access between Sept 16 and Feb 28 to all courses. Please join the classroom using the link provided in week 1 in the materials section.

How can students find teammates for the exercise sheets?

You should come to the first tutorial session for this.

What if I did not find a team, yet?

If you have not found as you had to miss the first tutorial, please contact Emilia

Do students from the same team need to attend the same tutorials?

What happens during tutorials?

In the first part (~ 60 min), you will work on the class sheet with your assignment team. In the second part (~30 min), you can ask questions related to past exercise sheets, current exercise sheets or the lecture.

Do I need to attend tutorials?

Yes! You will only receive credits for the class sheets, if you were actually there. You can, however, miss two class sheets without excuses.

What if I can't attend the tutorial because I am sick?

Please see a doctor and send your official certificate (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung, Ausfertigung für den Arbeitgeber: the one without the diagnosis!) by email to Emilia Ellsiepen.

I know that last year, students had only homework sheets and no class sheets. Does that mean, we have more work load this year?

No. Class sheets and homework sheets are both shorter than the exercise sheets last year. The workload is approximately the same.

Do I need to redo Datacamp courses, if I did them last year and they are marked as completed in my profile?

No, you do not need to do this.

Do I need to do the exercise sheets, if I did them last year already?

No. You will be admitted to the exam, if you met the requirements already last year or earlier. Please do not join an assignment team in this case and get in touch.

Can we use chatGPT or other AI engines to help on exercise sheets?

No. You can use all course material and search the web. If we catch you using an AI engine, the sheet will count as failed or it will be reported as plagiarism.

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