
Exam Inspection

Written on 24.02.25 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear Students,

the exam inspection for the software engineering exam will take place on Thursday (27.02.2025) in HS001 E1.3 from 1pm to 3pm. There will be 20 minute slots for which you can now register in the CMS. You are only allowed to register for one slot. The registration is open until… Read more

Dear Students,

the exam inspection for the software engineering exam will take place on Thursday (27.02.2025) in HS001 E1.3 from 1pm to 3pm. There will be 20 minute slots for which you can now register in the CMS. You are only allowed to register for one slot. The registration is open until Wednesday (26.02.2025) 23:59.

To attend the exam inspection, you need to bring your student ID and a valid photo ID.

the SE team

Exam Results

Written on 21.02.25 by Lukas Abelt

Dear Students,

we just published the grades for the final exam in the CMS. You can find them on your personal status page.

Information about the exam inspection will follow early next week.

the SE team

Information for Final Exam

Written on 12.02.25 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear students,

the final exam will take place on the 13th of February at 10:00am. We have to separate you into two different rooms: The GHH (E2 2) and HS 0.02 in E1 3. We will start the entrance control at 09:50am. You have to be in the lecture hall by 10:00am at the latest.

You can find the… Read more

Dear students,

the final exam will take place on the 13th of February at 10:00am. We have to separate you into two different rooms: The GHH (E2 2) and HS 0.02 in E1 3. We will start the entrance control at 09:50am. You have to be in the lecture hall by 10:00am at the latest.

You can find the information about the room you have been assigned to in the following table:

Matr. Nr. Room
2500000 - 7057550 GHH (E2 2)
> 7057550 HS 0.02 (E1 3)


Please read the following information carefully to ensure a problem free exam:

  • Exam duration: 90 minutes
  • There are no additional aids (e.g., notes, calculator, ...) allowed.
  • Please have your student ID and photo ID ready for identity control.
  • Only use indelible pens (e.g., ballpoint pens, ink pens). Do not use red or green pens or pencils.
  • You can provide solutions in English or German. However, do not switch languages within a task.
  • There is no fixed seating plan. Take any free seat with an exam in front in your assigned lecture room.

the SE team

Exam Registration Reminder and Q&A Session

Written on 04.02.25 by Lukas Abelt

Dear students,

If you want participate in the main exam on February 13th, please remember that you have to register until this Thursday (February 6th) through LSF (Or FlexNow for Business Informatics Students). If you cannot register in the system for any reason, please contact us as soon as… Read more

Dear students,

If you want participate in the main exam on February 13th, please remember that you have to register until this Thursday (February 6th) through LSF (Or FlexNow for Business Informatics Students). If you cannot register in the system for any reason, please contact us as soon as possible via E-Mail.

Additionally, Yannick will offer a Q&A session to give you the opportunity to clear up any remaining questions. The Q&A will be conducted in a hybrid format in E1.1 SR206 and on Microsoft Teams this Friday, February 7th at 14:15 (2:15 PM). A link to the MS Teams meeting will be in the timetable in CMS. If you cannot attend the Q&A but are still uncertain about some topics, feel free to ask in the forum.

Lastly, we have uploaded an additional Exam Preparation Sheet and corresponding solutions in the materials section, that includes a few additional exercises from various topics across the whole course.


the SE team

Assignment 4 Results

Written on 29.01.25 by Lukas Abelt

Dear students,

we have just published the results for the fourth Assignment. You can see your results on your personal status page.

In addition, you can now see whether you are eligible to take the exam on your personal status page. Please note, that you will still need to register for the examRead more

Dear students,

we have just published the results for the fourth Assignment. You can see your results on your personal status page.

In addition, you can now see whether you are eligible to take the exam on your personal status page. Please note, that you will still need to register for the exam in LSF. If you cannot register in LSF for any reason, but still want to take the exam, please contact us via mail as soon as possible.

the SE team

Course evaluation

Written on 14.01.25 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear Students,

we just received the links for the course evaluation. Please take your time to fill out the evaluation forms. It really helps us to improve the course in the next years. There are two links, one for the lecture and one for the tutorials. The evaluation is open until… Read more

Dear Students,

we just received the links for the course evaluation. Please take your time to fill out the evaluation forms. It really helps us to improve the course in the next years. There are two links, one for the lecture and one for the tutorials. The evaluation is open until 26.01.2025.

Lecture evaluation:
Tutorial evaluation:

the SE Team

Assignment 4 Clarifications & Updated Example Tests

Written on 14.01.25 by Lukas Abelt

Dear Students,

We have uploaded an updated version of the fourth Assignment sheet and the project skeleton.

Specifically, we clarified the termination criteria for the CART construction and fixed a minor oversight in the example test for task 3c.

Please ensure that you refer to the latest… Read more

Dear Students,

We have uploaded an updated version of the fourth Assignment sheet and the project skeleton.

Specifically, we clarified the termination criteria for the CART construction and fixed a minor oversight in the example test for task 3c.

Please ensure that you refer to the latest version of the assignment sheet and example tests when working on your solution.

the SE team

Assignment 4 Released

Written on 13.01.25 by Lukas Abelt

Dear Students,

We have released the fourth and final assignment sheet. You can find it in the "Materials" section in the CMS.

Keep in mind that you will still have to achieve at least 20% of the points in this Assignment, even if you have already scored a total more than 50 points in the… Read more

Dear Students,

We have released the fourth and final assignment sheet. You can find it in the "Materials" section in the CMS.

Keep in mind that you will still have to achieve at least 20% of the points in this Assignment, even if you have already scored a total more than 50 points in the first three Assignments.

We also provide you with a project skeleton you have to use for this Assignment. The assignment sheet contains all further information on how and when to hand in your submission.
Please make sure that your submission passes the provided tests before handing in.

Note that the use of generative AI tools is not allowed for solving the assignment!

Any further questions regarding the assignment can be asked in the forum or the tutorials.

the SE Team

Assignment 3 Results

Written on 10.01.25 by Lukas Abelt

Dear students,

we have just published the results for the third Assignment. You can see your results on your personal status page.

the SE team

Reminder: Assignment 3 Submission Today

Written on 06.01.25 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear students,

this is a reminder that today is the submission deadline for the third assignment.
Due to some issues with the past assignments, we would like to remind you that it is your responsibility to check that you submitted the correct ZIP archive.
Please double check that your submission… Read more

Dear students,

this is a reminder that today is the submission deadline for the third assignment.
Due to some issues with the past assignments, we would like to remind you that it is your responsibility to check that you submitted the correct ZIP archive.
Please double check that your submission contains your solution.

Note that for this assignment, we will not accept any late submissions, even if you have accidentally submitted an incorrect ZIP archive.

Best regards,
the SE-team

No more lectures

Written on 16.12.24 by Lukas Abelt

Dear Students,

As announced in last weeks lecture on Tuesday we are finished with all lecture topics for this semester.

Therefore, we will have no more lectures on the usual Monday/Tuesday slots anymore. Sorry to all students who were unaware of this and went to attend the lecture this… Read more

Dear Students,

As announced in last weeks lecture on Tuesday we are finished with all lecture topics for this semester.

Therefore, we will have no more lectures on the usual Monday/Tuesday slots anymore. Sorry to all students who were unaware of this and went to attend the lecture this morning.

The last regular tutorials will be held this week to discuss Exercise Sheet 09.

We may offer an additional Q&A session or tutorial close to the final exam. More info on that will be announced at a later point.

For questions regarding the current and upcoming Assignment, please refer to the forum.


the SE Team

Assignment 3 Released

Written on 09.12.24 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear Students,

We have released the third  assignment sheet. You can find it in the "Materials" section in the CMS.

We also provide you with a project skeleton you have to use for submission. The assignment sheet contains all further information on how and when to hand in your submission.
Read more

Dear Students,

We have released the third  assignment sheet. You can find it in the "Materials" section in the CMS.

We also provide you with a project skeleton you have to use for submission. The assignment sheet contains all further information on how and when to hand in your submission.
Please make sure that your submission compiles and passes the provided tests before handing in.

Note that the use of generative AI tools is not allowed for solving the assignment!

Any further questions regarding the assignment can be asked in the forum or the tutorials.

the SE Team

Assignment 2 Results

Written on 05.12.24 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear students,

we have just published the results for the second Assignment. You can see your results on your personal status page.

the SE team

No Tutorials this week (2024-12-05 & 2024-12-06)

Written on 04.12.24 by Lukas Abelt

Dear Students,

Due to sickness we unfortunately have to cancel both tutorial sessions for this week.

For questions regarding the current excercise sheet, feel free to discuss it in the forum.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


The SE Team

No lecture next Monday (2024-12-02)

Written on 26.11.24 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear students,

there will be no lecture next Monday (2024-12-02).
The Tuesday lecture takes place as usual.

the SE-team

Tutorials 21.11 & 22.11. room change; No online tutorials this week

Written on 18.11.24 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear Students,

the tutorials this week (21.11 & 22.11) will take place in SR106 in E1 1 (one floor below the usual room).
Unfortunately, this means that online attendance is not possible this week since that room does not have the required setup.

the SE Team

Assignment 2 Released

Written on 18.11.24 (last change on 18.11.24) by Sebastian Böhm

Dear Students,

We have released the second  assignment sheet. You can find it in the "Materials" section in the CMS.

We also provide you with a project skeleton you have to use for submission. The assignment sheet contains all further information on how and when to hand in your submission.
Read more

Dear Students,

We have released the second  assignment sheet. You can find it in the "Materials" section in the CMS.

We also provide you with a project skeleton you have to use for submission. The assignment sheet contains all further information on how and when to hand in your submission.
Please make sure that your submission compiles and passes the provided tests before handing in.

Note that the use of generative AI tools is not allowed for solving the assignment!

Any further questions regarding the assignment can be asked in the forum or the tutorials.

the SE Team

Assignment 1 Results

Written on 15.11.24 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear students,

we have just published the results for the first Assignment. You can see your results on your personal status page.

the SE team

Assignment 1 Clarifications

Written on 29.10.24 by Lukas Abelt

Dear Students,

We have uploaded an updated version of the first Assignment, which contains some minor fixes and clarifications.

Mainly, it fixes some laptop models having a wrong indicated amount of RAM, as well as some clarifications in the description of Task 1.

Please make sure that you… Read more

Dear Students,

We have uploaded an updated version of the first Assignment, which contains some minor fixes and clarifications.

Mainly, it fixes some laptop models having a wrong indicated amount of RAM, as well as some clarifications in the description of Task 1.

Please make sure that you are refering to the latest version of the Assignment Sheet when working on your solution.

Sorry for any inconveniences.


the SE Team

Assignment 1 Released

Written on 28.10.24 by Lukas Abelt

Dear Students,

We have just released the first assignment sheet. You can find it in the "Materials" section in the CMS.

We also provide you with a LaTeX template you have to use for submission. The assignment sheet contains all further information on how and when to hand in your… Read more

Dear Students,

We have just released the first assignment sheet. You can find it in the "Materials" section in the CMS.

We also provide you with a LaTeX template you have to use for submission. The assignment sheet contains all further information on how and when to hand in your submission.

Any further questions regarding the assignment can be asked in the forum or the tutorials.

the SE Team

Welcome to SE

Written on 11.10.24 by Sebastian Böhm

Dear students,

welcome to the Software Engineering course.

The first lecture will take place next Tuesday (2024-10-15) at 12:15 in the Günter-Hotz lecture hall (GHH).
During this lecture, we also explain all organizational matters regarding this year's course.

Note that the lectures will… Read more

Dear students,

welcome to the Software Engineering course.

The first lecture will take place next Tuesday (2024-10-15) at 12:15 in the Günter-Hotz lecture hall (GHH).
During this lecture, we also explain all organizational matters regarding this year's course.

Note that the lectures will take place in-person only; there is no possibility for online participation or lecture recordings.
We will, however, upload all lecture slides to the CMS.

Any remaining questions can also be asked in our forum.
The link for that can be found in the menu bar on the CMS.

the SE-team

Show all

Software Engineering Wintersemester 2024/25


About the Lecture

The lecture Software Engineering covers a broad range of topics in software engineering with a special focus on software variability, configuration, generation, and optimization. It builds on basic programming and software engineering concepts, as taught in the lectures Programming 1 & 2 and the SE Lab (Softwarepraktikum). Topics that are covered include:

  • Domain analysis, feature modelling
  • Automated reasoning about software configuration using SAT solvers
  • Runtime parameters, design patterns, frameworks
  • Version control, build systems, preprocessors, parametric polymorphism, traits / mixins
  • Expression problem, preplanning problem, code scattering & tangling, tyranny of the dominant decomposition, inheritance vs. delegation vs. trait / mixin composition
  • Feature interaction problem (structural, control- & data-flow, behavioral, non-functional feature interactions)
  • Variability-aware analysis and variational program representation (with applications to type checking and static program analysis)
  • Sampling (random, coverage)
  • Machine learning for software performance prediction and optimization


Lecture Format

The lecture will be held in presence in the GHH lecture hall. For the tutorials, we are currently planning a hybrid format (in person + online). More information will be announced closer to the start of the semester. All relevant dates will be in the course's timetable.



To get access to exercise sheets and other course material you need to register via this CMS course.



  • Knowledge of programming concepts (as taught in the lectures Programming 1 and Programming 2)

  • Basic knowledge of software processes, design, and testing (as taught and applied in the lecture SE Lab/Softwarepraktikum)


Assignments / Exam

Beside the lecture and weekly practical exercises, there will be a number of assignments in the form of mini-projects for each student to work on (every two to three weeks). The assignments will be assessed based on the principles covered in the lecture. Passing all assignments is a prerequisite for taking the final written exam. The written exam will be graded. Further examination details will be announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course.

In short:

  • Passing the assignments (prerequisite for the written exam)

  • Passing the written exam



  • Feature-Oriented Software Product Lines: Concepts and Implementation. S. Apel, et al., Springer, 2013.

  • Generative Programming: Methods, Tools, and Applications: Methods, Techniques and Applications. K. Czarnecki, et al., Addison-Wesley, 2000.

  • Mastering Software Variability with FeatureIDE. J. Meinicke, et al., Springer, 2017.

  • Types and Programming Languages. Benjamin C. Pierce, The MIT Press, 2002.

  • Programmierung - eine Einführung in die Informatik mit Standard ML. Gert Smolka, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2011.

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