
First Exam: Results and Inspection

Written on 11.02.25 by Pascal Peter

Dear students, you can now check the exam results on your personal page. There, you can also register for the exam inspection on Friday morning (14.2.)

In the CMS, you can see your point distributions. You can also ask me online (roughly) what you did wrong, but for access to example solutions or… Read more

Dear students, you can now check the exam results on your personal page. There, you can also register for the exam inspection on Friday morning (14.2.)

In the CMS, you can see your point distributions. You can also ask me online (roughly) what you did wrong, but for access to example solutions or your exams you need to visit the university in person. Statistics are also available in the exam, however keep in mind that quite a few no-shows (8/36!) with 0 points count towards the total which skews the passing statistics and grade averages. In reality the exam stats are quite a bit better.

If there seem to be any obvious mistakes (e.g. your grade is missing, you have no access to the results etc.) feel free to message me and I will address them as soon as possible.

Lecture Evaluation

Written on 20.01.25 by Pascal Peter

As announced in today's lecture, you can evaluate the course. Feedback is very important for me, so please use the following links until 26.1.:
lecture evaluation:
tutorial evaluation:
Both… Read more

As announced in today's lecture, you can evaluate the course. Feedback is very important for me, so please use the following links until 26.1.:
lecture evaluation:
tutorial evaluation:
Both your appreciation of aspects that you liked and ideas for improvements are very welcome and will be considered in future iterations of the course.

Exams, Registrations, Dates

Written on 13.01.25 by Pascal Peter

Dear students, the semester is nearing its end. With this update, I want to make you aware of important information regarding the exams and the remaining lectures and tutorials.

Please register via LSF for the first exam! The deadline ends one week before the exam and if you miss it, I cannot do… Read more

Dear students, the semester is nearing its end. With this update, I want to make you aware of important information regarding the exams and the remaining lectures and tutorials.

Please register via LSF for the first exam! The deadline ends one week before the exam and if you miss it, I cannot do anything to help you. The first round of registrations has been already imported and should be visible on your personal CMS page as well. Since we CMS only offers manual imports, your LSF registration will be transferred with a delay. I plan to update the registrations on a (roughly) weekly schedule.

For the exams, all content from the lectures and tutorials is relevant. The only exception is tutorial 9, which is excluded from the exams since it goes more into the direction of image processing. To get a better feeling for the assignments to expect and their level of difficulty, check out the self-test problems in the CMS materials. This document also contains more detailed rules for the exams.

For the remainder of the Semester, we have the following schedule:
remaining regular lectures: MRI (13.1. and 20.1.), Electron Microscopy (27.1.)
remaining regular tutorials: denoising (15.1.), CT and MRI (22.1.)
exam Q&A/self-test discussion: 3.2., 12:15 hybrid (lecture replacement, as usual in HS001/Teams. Feel free to ask any questions about the exams or the self-test. You can also pre-submit your questions via Teams or mail.)

In particular, you have no tutorial sessions after 22.1. Instead, use this time to prepare for the exam and the final discussion session! In addition, let me make you aware of the forums once more as an option to ask questions. 

No Tutorial on 27.11.

Written on 22.11.24 by Pascal Peter

On Wednesday, 27.11. there is no tutorial. The lecture takes place as usual on Monday 25.11. and our regular tutorial schedule continues on 4.12.

Extended Registration for Waiting List

Written on 30.10.24 by Pascal Peter

There were a few students who could not register due to the registration limit and the first round of tutorials revealed that those are not overbooked, I open registration one final time until 5.11. such that those on the waiting list have an opportunity to join.

Tutorial Assignment

Written on 28.10.24 by Pascal Peter

Dear students, you have now been assigned to a tutorial slot according to your preferences. A few of you did not receive a favoured slot, but you can still switch the tutorial slots if you find a trading partner. For this, I recommend to use the forums. You can also use them to find tutorial partners… Read more

Dear students, you have now been assigned to a tutorial slot according to your preferences. A few of you did not receive a favoured slot, but you can still switch the tutorial slots if you find a trading partner. For this, I recommend to use the forums. You can also use them to find tutorial partners for the group work. If the tutorial slots are not convenient for you, you can also work on the assignments outside of the official slots. Attendance is not mandatory, so feel free to search for tutorial groups who are willing to work in different time slots as well. In such cases, you can use the forums to ask questions.

Registration Limit Reached, New Slots Opening Up

Written on 15.10.24 (last change on 15.10.24) by Pascal Peter

Thank you for the large amount of interest in this lecture. Since this is a one-man-show this semester (just me, no tutors), the number of students is limited. I open up additional slots based on the number of people who only want to access the lecture materials, but do not intend to participate in… Read more

Thank you for the large amount of interest in this lecture. Since this is a one-man-show this semester (just me, no tutors), the number of students is limited. I open up additional slots based on the number of people who only want to access the lecture materials, but do not intend to participate in the tutorials or exams. Primarily, I want to avoid overbooking of the tutorials. Thus, if you are already registered and decided you will not take the course, please consider changing your status on your personal page to "I only want access" (or simply de-register).

Welcome to IAM24!

Written on 13.10.24 by Pascal Peter

Welcome to Image Acquisition Methods in the Winter Term 24/25. Our lecture starts on 21.10. Feel free to already check out our guided tour, ask questions in the forums, or have a look at the lecture materials.

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