First Exam: Results and Inspection
Written on 11.02.2025 21:48 by Pascal Peter
Dear students, you can now check the exam results on your personal page. There, you can also register for the exam inspection on Friday morning (14.2.)
In the CMS, you can see your point distributions. You can also ask me online (roughly) what you did wrong, but for access to example solutions or your exams you need to visit the university in person. Statistics are also available in the exam, however keep in mind that quite a few no-shows (8/36!) with 0 points count towards the total which skews the passing statistics and grade averages. In reality the exam stats are quite a bit better.
If there seem to be any obvious mistakes (e.g. your grade is missing, you have no access to the results etc.) feel free to message me and I will address them as soon as possible.