
Exams, Registrations, Dates

Written on 13.01.2025 11:22 by Pascal Peter

Dear students, the semester is nearing its end. With this update, I want to make you aware of important information regarding the exams and the remaining lectures and tutorials.

Please register via LSF for the first exam! The deadline ends one week before the exam and if you miss it, I cannot do anything to help you. The first round of registrations has been already imported and should be visible on your personal CMS page as well. Since we CMS only offers manual imports, your LSF registration will be transferred with a delay. I plan to update the registrations on a (roughly) weekly schedule.

For the exams, all content from the lectures and tutorials is relevant. The only exception is tutorial 9, which is excluded from the exams since it goes more into the direction of image processing. To get a better feeling for the assignments to expect and their level of difficulty, check out the self-test problems in the CMS materials. This document also contains more detailed rules for the exams.

For the remainder of the Semester, we have the following schedule:
remaining regular lectures: MRI (13.1. and 20.1.), Electron Microscopy (27.1.)
remaining regular tutorials: denoising (15.1.), CT and MRI (22.1.)
exam Q&A/self-test discussion: 3.2., 12:15 hybrid (lecture replacement, as usual in HS001/Teams. Feel free to ask any questions about the exams or the self-test. You can also pre-submit your questions via Teams or mail.)

In particular, you have no tutorial sessions after 22.1. Instead, use this time to prepare for the exam and the final discussion session! In addition, let me make you aware of the forums once more as an option to ask questions. 

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