
Assignment 3 Graded & Reminders for Assignment 4 Deadlines

Written on 20.12.2024 10:24 by Aiman Al-Azazi

Dear EML students,

The submissions for Assignment 3 have been graded, and the points along with feedback are now available in your personal status. For those who like perforemance comparisons, you might have noticed that we enabeled the result statistics.

If you have questions regarding your assignment feedback, please contact the tutor who graded it. The tutor’s initials or name can be found at the top of the feedback or as a PDF comment signature.

Additionally, we would like to remind you of the Assignment #4 deadlines:

  • Team-grouping: Thu. 02.01.2025, at 23:59
  • Submission:  Wed. 08.01.2025, at 23:59

Please make sure to follow all provided instructions, including those mentioned in this news as they apply to Assignment #4 and #5 as well.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Best regards,
Your EML Team

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