
Assignment #3 Deadline & Submission Guidelines

Written on 09.12.2024 19:48 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

This is a gentle reminder that Assignment #3 is due on Wednesday at 23:59 hrs.

There will be no extensions or exceptions, so please ensure you submit on time and  it is in the correct format.

We wish to reiterate the instructions of the valid assignment submission:

1. If you missed the team grouping deadline : You can still submit individually on CMS. This implies that you NEED to work individually. Identical assignment submission without a team on CMS will be considered plagiarism. Merely emailing a team member that you will be submitting as a team doesn't not suffice for a team submission. Kindly respect the deadlines that have been communicated.

2. Regarding valid programming solution : A valid submission includes both a PDF/HTML file AND the Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) with your solutions. Both of these files should have your solutions present. Points will be deducted if either file is missing.  We ask for PDF/HTML with solutions to ensure readability and so that we can grade you easily. The responsibility of the readability of the submission i.e, we can see your solutions easily lies with the student.

3. Submissions must be made exclusively on CMS. Email submissions will not be accepted.

4. Be cautious about using tools like ChatGPT or other resources without proper citation. Uncited use will be treated as plagiarism. We have cases where students were not aware of their team member using ChatGPT for the assignments. Please be respectful to your team members and communicate and not jeopardize your team's grading. 

5. If even one question in your assignment is plagiarized, the entire assignment will receive a grade of zero.

Regarding the grading, if you have questions about your assignment feedback, please reach out to the tutor who graded it. The tutor’s initials can be found at the top of the feedback. If no initials are listed, please email Aiman for assistance.

There are still three more assignments remaining, giving you plenty of opportunities to improve your grades and qualify for the exam. Should you have any questions, feel free to email any member of our team.
Please be respectful in giving your feedback, suggestions and questions. 

All the best. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta





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