
Exam Grades & Re-exam Registration Information

Written on 07.03.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students,

Your updated points and grades are now available on CMS and LSF.

If you wish to retake the exam, please register on LSF as soon as possible.
If you do not have access to LSF, you can email me at
The registration deadline is one week before the exam,… Read more

Dear Students,

Your updated points and grades are now available on CMS and LSF.

If you wish to retake the exam, please register on LSF as soon as possible.
If you do not have access to LSF, you can email me at
The registration deadline is one week before the exam, i.e., 13th March 2025. Please ensure you register on time.

For students taking the re-exam, there will be no support on the Forum from tutors.
If you have any doubts, please refer to past questions and discussions.

Additionally, we will be opening office hours in the coming weeks for you to collect your cheat sheets.
Further details will be shared next week.

Good luck with your exams!

Dr. Kavya Gupta







Update - EML Exam Inspection : 4th March Tuesday Room: E1.1 407

Written on 28.02.25 by Batuhan Koyuncu

Dear Students,

The EML Exam inspection is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4th, in room E1.1.407.

Every student who has registered for the inspection will find their assigned slots on their personal status page under the exam results section. Each slot is 30 minutes long. Please be aware that you… Read more

Dear Students,

The EML Exam inspection is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4th, in room E1.1.407.

Every student who has registered for the inspection will find their assigned slots on their personal status page under the exam results section. Each slot is 30 minutes long. Please be aware that you may see your exam paper only during your assigned slot.



EML Team

EML Exam Results & Inspection Registration Details

Written on 24.02.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 
The exam results are now available.

As previously communicated, the exam inspection is scheduled for March 4th. To participate, you must register in advance.
Registration Deadline: February 27th, 23:59 PM
Only registered students will be allowed to attend the inspection.

Read more

Dear Students, 
The exam results are now available.

As previously communicated, the exam inspection is scheduled for March 4th. To participate, you must register in advance.
Registration Deadline: February 27th, 23:59 PM
Only registered students will be allowed to attend the inspection.

Details regarding the time and room number will be shared with you after the deadline.
Thank you. 

Dr. Kavya Gupta 

EML Exam Inspection : 4th March Tuesday

Written on 21.02.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 
We will have Exam inspections on 4th March Tuesday. 
We will communicate the time slots soon. 
Please plan your day accordingly. 

Kavya Gupta 

Important Exam Instructions – Check Your Seat on CMS

Written on 17.02.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

You can now check your allocated room number and seat on CMS.
Please note that you must sit in the assigned seat during the exam.

Kindly read the following instructions carefully:
1. Only students who have registered for the exam via CMS (EML Exam Registration) are permitted to… Read more

Dear Students, 

You can now check your allocated room number and seat on CMS.
Please note that you must sit in the assigned seat during the exam.

Kindly read the following instructions carefully:
1. Only students who have registered for the exam via CMS (EML Exam Registration) are permitted to participate.
2. You must present your student card or a valid photo ID for verification. Your matriculation number is required. Entry to the examination hall will not be permitted without proper identification.
3. You are allowed to bring one handwritten A4-size cheat sheet (front and back) and a scientific calculator (optional, not required).
4. Please bring a blue or black pen for the exam. Other ink colors are not permitted.
5. The use of phones, tablets, laptops, smartwatches, or any device with WiFi or cellular connectivity is strictly prohibited.

Please ensure you adhere to these guidelines to avoid any issues on exam day.

All the best for your preparation. 

Dr. Kavya Gupta


Reminder : Registration of the Exam.

Written on 10.02.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 
This is a reminder for registration of the exam on 19th February. 
Please register on LSF by 12th February, if you can't register on LSF please email me at by 12th February.  

Only students who have registered will be allowed to take the exam. 

All… Read more

Dear Students, 
This is a reminder for registration of the exam on 19th February. 
Please register on LSF by 12th February, if you can't register on LSF please email me at by 12th February.  

Only students who have registered will be allowed to take the exam. 

All the best for your exams.

Dr. Kavya Gupta



Forum for Q&A session on Thursday next week

Written on 30.01.25 by Isabel Valera

Dear students,

Next week, I will hold an Q&A session during the lecture, as preparation for the exam. In order to prepare the lecture, please post your questions in this Forum Thread by Tuesday February 4th at 12pm

Please bear in mind that the Q&A lecture will not be recorded.

Best… Read more

Dear students,

Next week, I will hold an Q&A session during the lecture, as preparation for the exam. In order to prepare the lecture, please post your questions in this Forum Thread by Tuesday February 4th at 12pm

Please bear in mind that the Q&A lecture will not be recorded.

Best regards,

Prof. Isabel Valera



Assignment 5 grades, Exam Admission and Registration!

Written on 30.01.25 by Isabel Valera

Dear EML students,

The submissions for Assignment 5 have been graded, and the points along with feedback are now available in your personal status. If you have questions regarding your assignment feedback, please contact the tutor who graded it. The tutor’s initials or name can be found in the… Read more

Dear EML students,

The submissions for Assignment 5 have been graded, and the points along with feedback are now available in your personal status. If you have questions regarding your assignment feedback, please contact the tutor who graded it. The tutor’s initials or name can be found in the feedback.

Furthermore, you can check whether you are admitted to the final exam in your personal status (under "Main Exam", below your assignment points).

For those who are not admitted to the exam, please make sure that you are not registered in LSF for the exam. Otherwise, you lose one attempt of doing the exam.

For those who are admitted to the exam, please ensure that you have registered for the exam in LSF before the deadline on 12.02.2025. For those that cannot register via LSF, you can register by sending an email to Dr. Gupta up to one week before the exam.

Best regards,

Prof. Isabel Valera

Tutorials for Next week (3 - 7 February)

Written on 29.01.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

Next week, we have an hands-on tutorial on neural networks using PyTorch.
While this session is not part of your exam, it will be a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of NNs.

Additionally, there will be a quiz.
We strongly encourage you to attend these tutorials.
Read more

Dear Students, 

Next week, we have an hands-on tutorial on neural networks using PyTorch.
While this session is not part of your exam, it will be a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of NNs.

Additionally, there will be a quiz.
We strongly encourage you to attend these tutorials.
It is an excellent opportunity to clarify any doubts and ask questions you might have related to your exams.

Wishing you all the best in your exam preparations!

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

No Tutorials for next week

Written on 23.01.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear students, 

There will be no tutorials conducted during the week of 27th–31st January 2025

All the best with your submission.

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta 

Assignment #5 Submission- New deadline

Written on 23.01.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear all, 

CMS is up and running. 
Please submit your assignments on CMS. We don't consider submissions over the emails. 
Even if you have sent us your assignments over the emails, please submit on CMS. 
The new deadline is : 24th January (Friday) 9:00 am (morning). 

Kindly share this… Read more

Dear all, 

CMS is up and running. 
Please submit your assignments on CMS. We don't consider submissions over the emails. 
Even if you have sent us your assignments over the emails, please submit on CMS. 
The new deadline is : 24th January (Friday) 9:00 am (morning). 

Kindly share this information with your peers to avoid any confusion.​​​​​​​

Good luck with your submissions!

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Time to evaluate us!

Written on 16.01.25 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

Please fill up the survey on the lectures and tutorials by January 26th. Please be constructive and help us improve!

                Lecture link:

                Tutorial link: Read more

Dear all,

Please fill up the survey on the lectures and tutorials by January 26th. Please be constructive and help us improve!

                Lecture link:

                Tutorial link:

Best regards,

Isabel Valera


Assignment 4 Graded & Submission Reminder for Assignment 5

Written on 16.01.25 by Aiman Al-Azazi

Dear EML students,

The submissions for Assignment 4 have been graded, and the points along with feedback are now available in your personal status.

If you have questions regarding your assignment feedback, please contact the tutor who graded it. The tutor’s initials or name can be found at the… Read more

Dear EML students,

The submissions for Assignment 4 have been graded, and the points along with feedback are now available in your personal status.

If you have questions regarding your assignment feedback, please contact the tutor who graded it. The tutor’s initials or name can be found at the top or bottom of the feedback.

Additionally, we would like to remind you of the submission deadline for Assignment 5 is Wed. 22.01.2025, at 23:59. Please make sure to follow all provided instructions, including those mentioned in this news as they apply to Assignment 5 as well. 

Best regards,
Your EML Team

Tutorial Agenda for 20 - 24th January: Exercise Sheet 4

Written on 10.01.25 (last change on 10.01.25) by Aiman Al-Azazi

Dear EML Students,

We want to inform you that Exercise Sheet 4 has been uploaded. This sheet covers Trees, Ensemble Methods, and SVM and will be discussed during the tutorials in the week of 20th–24th January.

To make the most of the tutorial session and focus on addressing challenging parts of… Read more

Dear EML Students,

We want to inform you that Exercise Sheet 4 has been uploaded. This sheet covers Trees, Ensemble Methods, and SVM and will be discussed during the tutorials in the week of 20th–24th January.

To make the most of the tutorial session and focus on addressing challenging parts of the solutions, we encourage you to attempt solving the problems on your own beforehand.

We would like to remind you again that there will be no tutorials next week (13th–17th January).

Best regards,
Your EML Team

No Tutorials for next week and Assignment 5 Instructions

Written on 09.01.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear students, 

There will be no tutorials conducted during the week of 13th–17th January 2025

Assignment #5 will be released this afternoon.
                Grouping Deadline : 15th January, 2025.
                Submission Deadline : 22nd January, 2025

Assignment #5 will be 55 Points… Read more

Dear students, 

There will be no tutorials conducted during the week of 13th–17th January 2025

Assignment #5 will be released this afternoon.
                Grouping Deadline : 15th January, 2025.
                Submission Deadline : 22nd January, 2025

Assignment #5 will be 55 Points : Theory (40 Points) and Programming ( 10 + 5 Bonus Points) 
This assignment provides an excellent opportunity to improve your programming scores.

This will be the last assignment for EML this semester. 

All the best with your preparation and submission!

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta 

Plan for next week and Assignment deadlines

Written on 02.01.25 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

Happy New Year! 🎉

I hope you're all enjoying the holidays.
I’d like to remind you of the following important deadlines and updates.

The deadline for grouping your teams for Assignment #4 is today. If you haven’t already done so, please make sure to finalize your team.
The… Read more

Dear Students, 

Happy New Year! 🎉

I hope you're all enjoying the holidays.
I’d like to remind you of the following important deadlines and updates.

The deadline for grouping your teams for Assignment #4 is today. If you haven’t already done so, please make sure to finalize your team.
The deadline for submitting Assignment #4 is 8th January. Please ensure that your submission adheres to the guidelines and is in a clear and readable format.
As for the tutorials next week, we will be discussing the rest of the problems from Exercise Sheet 3. 

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. Wishing you all the best for your assignment and the upcoming discussions.

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Assignment 3 Graded & Reminders for Assignment 4 Deadlines

Written on 20.12.24 by Aiman Al-Azazi

Dear EML students,

The submissions for Assignment 3 have been graded, and the points along with feedback are now available in your personal status. For those who like perforemance comparisons, you might have noticed that we enabeled the result statistics.

If you have questions regarding your… Read more

Dear EML students,

The submissions for Assignment 3 have been graded, and the points along with feedback are now available in your personal status. For those who like perforemance comparisons, you might have noticed that we enabeled the result statistics.

If you have questions regarding your assignment feedback, please contact the tutor who graded it. The tutor’s initials or name can be found at the top of the feedback or as a PDF comment signature.

Additionally, we would like to remind you of the Assignment #4 deadlines:

  • Team-grouping: Thu. 02.01.2025, at 23:59
  • Submission:  Wed. 08.01.2025, at 23:59

Please make sure to follow all provided instructions, including those mentioned in this news as they apply to Assignment #4 and #5 as well.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Best regards,
Your EML Team

Tutorial Agenda : 16 - 20th December

Written on 11.12.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

Here is the agenda of what will be discussed in the next week tutorial (16 - 20th December).
We will be discussing problems from Exercise Sheet #3 releasing on Thursday after the lecture. 

  • Exercise Sheet 3: Problems 1,2 and 3 (Dimensionality Reduction)

Also, Assignment… Read more

Dear Students, 

Here is the agenda of what will be discussed in the next week tutorial (16 - 20th December).
We will be discussing problems from Exercise Sheet #3 releasing on Thursday after the lecture. 

  • Exercise Sheet 3: Problems 1,2 and 3 (Dimensionality Reduction)

Also, Assignment #4 will be released this week. Go over the assignment and ask any questions you might have in the tutorials. 
Additionally, feel free to ask questions related to lectures or other topics during the tutorials.
Since this is the last tutorial before the Christmas break, we strongly encourage you to attend and make the most of this opportunity to clarify any doubts or questions.

Thank you!

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Assignment #3 Deadline & Submission Guidelines

Written on 09.12.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

This is a gentle reminder that Assignment #3 is due on Wednesday at 23:59 hrs.

There will be no extensions or exceptions, so please ensure you submit on time and  it is in the correct format.

We wish to reiterate the instructions of the valid assignment submission:

1. If… Read more

Dear Students, 

This is a gentle reminder that Assignment #3 is due on Wednesday at 23:59 hrs.

There will be no extensions or exceptions, so please ensure you submit on time and  it is in the correct format.

We wish to reiterate the instructions of the valid assignment submission:

1. If you missed the team grouping deadline : You can still submit individually on CMS. This implies that you NEED to work individually. Identical assignment submission without a team on CMS will be considered plagiarism. Merely emailing a team member that you will be submitting as a team doesn't not suffice for a team submission. Kindly respect the deadlines that have been communicated.

2. Regarding valid programming solution : A valid submission includes both a PDF/HTML file AND the Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) with your solutions. Both of these files should have your solutions present. Points will be deducted if either file is missing.  We ask for PDF/HTML with solutions to ensure readability and so that we can grade you easily. The responsibility of the readability of the submission i.e, we can see your solutions easily lies with the student.

3. Submissions must be made exclusively on CMS. Email submissions will not be accepted.

4. Be cautious about using tools like ChatGPT or other resources without proper citation. Uncited use will be treated as plagiarism. We have cases where students were not aware of their team member using ChatGPT for the assignments. Please be respectful to your team members and communicate and not jeopardize your team's grading. 

5. If even one question in your assignment is plagiarized, the entire assignment will receive a grade of zero.

Regarding the grading, if you have questions about your assignment feedback, please reach out to the tutor who graded it. The tutor’s initials can be found at the top of the feedback. If no initials are listed, please email Aiman for assistance.

There are still three more assignments remaining, giving you plenty of opportunities to improve your grades and qualify for the exam. Should you have any questions, feel free to email any member of our team.
Please be respectful in giving your feedback, suggestions and questions. 

All the best. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta





Assignment 2 Graded & Important Notes for Assignment Submissions

Written on 06.12.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

The submissions for Assignment 2 have now been graded. The points and the feedback are now available in your personal status.

In addition, let us remind you that the deadline for Assignment 3 is next Wednesday, 11th of December. For this and the following submission let us remind you… Read more

Dear all,

The submissions for Assignment 2 have now been graded. The points and the feedback are now available in your personal status.

In addition, let us remind you that the deadline for Assignment 3 is next Wednesday, 11th of December. For this and the following submission let us remind you also of important details:

  • Only valid submissions are graded. Thus, make sure to submit each problem in the corresponding format and submission in CMS. For example, remember that submissions for Problem 4 should include the PDF (or HTML) AND the notebook with the code. Make sure all submitted files are complete and readable.
  • Plagiarism is not allowed in any circumstance. That is, any external source, included Generative AI, should be cited. Duplicated submissions across different groups (or individuals) are also plagiarism cases.

Do not forget that there are still another 3 Assignments and thus enough room to qualify for the exam, and more importantly, time to learn the Elements of ML!

If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask in the Forum or in the tutorials.

Looking forward to seeing you all in class next week,

Prof. Isabel Valera

Today's class cancelled due to illness of Prof. Valera

Written on 05.12.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear all,

Unfortunately, I am afraid I need to cancel today's lecture as I am feeling unwell due to a strong cold. 

The slides of the lecture are now available and, given I will skip this lecture, please read Chapter 7 of the ISLP book.  I will address your questions at the beginning of the… Read more

Dear all,

Unfortunately, I am afraid I need to cancel today's lecture as I am feeling unwell due to a strong cold. 

The slides of the lecture are now available and, given I will skip this lecture, please read Chapter 7 of the ISLP book.  I will address your questions at the beginning of the lecture next week, before starting with unsupervised learning.

See you all next week,

Prof. Isabel Valera


Assignment 1 Graded

Written on 28.11.24 by Aiman Al-Azazi

Dear EML students,

The submissions for Assignment 1 have been graded. The points and the feedback are now available in your personal status.

Best regards,
Your EML Team

Tutorial Agenda for Next two weeks

Written on 28.11.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

Here is the agenda of what will be discussed in the tutorials for next two weeks. 

Week: 2nd - 6th Dec (Generalization & Model Selection)

  • Exercise Sheet 2: Problems 6, 7, and 8
  • Exercise sheet 1: Problem 6

Week: 9th - 13th Dec (Beyond Non-linearity)

Dear Students, 

Here is the agenda of what will be discussed in the tutorials for next two weeks. 

Week: 2nd - 6th Dec (Generalization & Model Selection)

  • Exercise Sheet 2: Problems 6, 7, and 8
  • Exercise sheet 1: Problem 6

Week: 9th - 13th Dec (Beyond Non-linearity)

  • Exercise sheet 1 : Problems 7, 8, 9, and 10

Also, Assignment #3 will be released this afternoon. Go over the assignment and ask any questions you might have in the tutorials. 
Additionally, feel free to ask questions related to lectures or other topics during the tutorials.

As a reminder, we will not extend any deadlines for the assignments  and team groupings without any exception. 
Please select your team members carefully and submit the assignments on time. 

All the deadlines are already present on CMS. 

Thank you!

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Reminder: Assignment Deadlines and Important Updates

Written on 25.11.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

A gentle reminder of the deadline of Assignment #2 is Wednesday (27th November) 23:59 hrs. 
For the programming question, ensure you upload either a PDF or HTML file. Submissions without this will not be graded.
Team grouping for Assignment #2 was due last week. If you missed the… Read more

Dear Students, 

A gentle reminder of the deadline of Assignment #2 is Wednesday (27th November) 23:59 hrs. 
For the programming question, ensure you upload either a PDF or HTML file. Submissions without this will not be graded.
Team grouping for Assignment #2 was due last week. If you missed the registration, you can still submit the assignment individually on CMS.
There will be no extensions for this assignment and no exceptions. 

Assignment #3 will be released on 28th November. 
FYI, team grouping deadline is 4th December 23:59 hrs. Register your teams as soon as possible to avoid missing this deadline.
Submission deadline is 11th December 23:59 hrs.

Again, there will be no extensions for any deadlines.

Please read the submission guidelines carefully to avoid mistakes. Late or improperly formatted submissions will not be considered.

Thank you for you understanding. 


Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

No tutorials next week - (25-29) November

Written on 19.11.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

There will not be any tutorials next week (25-29 November). 

Thank you!

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Tutorial Agenda : 18 - 22 November

Written on 14.11.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

For next week, we’ll focus on Problems 4 and 5 from Exercise Sheet #2.
Assignment #2 will be released this afternoon. Go over the assignment and ask any questions you might have in the tutorials. 
Additionally, feel free to ask questions related to lectures or other topics during… Read more

Dear Students, 

For next week, we’ll focus on Problems 4 and 5 from Exercise Sheet #2.
Assignment #2 will be released this afternoon. Go over the assignment and ask any questions you might have in the tutorials. 
Additionally, feel free to ask questions related to lectures or other topics during the tutorials.

As a reminder, we will not extend any deadlines for the assignments from now on.
Please select your team members carefully and submit the assignments on time. 

All the deadlines are already present on CMS. 

Thank you!

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Assignment #1 Submission Deadline

Written on 13.11.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

Gentle reminder of the deadline for Assignment #1 that is today midnight.
We have again opened the team groupings for changing or updating your teams. 

For further assignments, please register your teams ATLEAST one week before the deadline. 
Thank you for your… Read more

Dear Students, 

Gentle reminder of the deadline for Assignment #1 that is today midnight.
We have again opened the team groupings for changing or updating your teams. 

For further assignments, please register your teams ATLEAST one week before the deadline. 
Thank you for your understanding!

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Tutorial Agenda : 11 - 15 November

Written on 07.11.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

To make the tutorials more effective and organized, we’ll be sharing a list of problems to be discussed each week.
Tutors will discuss each problem in the tutorials, however we encourage you to try these problems on your own beforehand and bring any questions to the… Read more

Dear Students, 

To make the tutorials more effective and organized, we’ll be sharing a list of problems to be discussed each week.
Tutors will discuss each problem in the tutorials, however we encourage you to try these problems on your own beforehand and bring any questions to the tutorial. 

For next week, we’ll focus on Problems 1, 2, and 3 from Exercise Sheet #2 (releasing this afternoon).
Additionally, feel free to ask questions related to lectures or other topics during the tutorial.

We hope this approach enhances the tutorial learning experience.

Thank you!

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta


Guidelines Assignment Submission - Missing information

Written on 04.11.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

We've noticed that some students are submitting their assignments without including their full names and matriculation numbers at the top of their PDF, HTML, or Jupyter Notebook files.
Please remember to double-check your submissions to ensure they meet this requirement, whether… Read more

Dear Students, 

We've noticed that some students are submitting their assignments without including their full names and matriculation numbers at the top of their PDF, HTML, or Jupyter Notebook files.
Please remember to double-check your submissions to ensure they meet this requirement, whether you’re working individually or as part of a team.

Submissions missing this information will not be graded, so it's essential to include it. 

Thank you for your attention to this detail and for helping us streamline the grading process.

Prof. Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta




Tutorial - Next Friday: 8th November, 2024

Written on 31.10.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

Important update for those attending the Friday tutorial on 8th November 2024:

For next week only, there is a room change. You may attend the tutorial in either HS003 in Building E1.3 or U.39 in Building E2.5.

Thank you for your understanding!

Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr.… Read more

Dear Students, 

Important update for those attending the Friday tutorial on 8th November 2024:

For next week only, there is a room change. You may attend the tutorial in either HS003 in Building E1.3 or U.39 in Building E2.5.

Thank you for your understanding!

Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Tutorial - Next Friday: 8th November, 2024

Written on 31.10.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

Important update for those attending the Friday tutorial on 8th November 2024:

For next week only, there is a room change. You may attend the tutorial in either HS003 in Building E1.3 or U.39 in Building E2.5.

Thank you for your understanding!

Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr.… Read more

Dear Students, 

Important update for those attending the Friday tutorial on 8th November 2024:

For next week only, there is a room change. You may attend the tutorial in either HS003 in Building E1.3 or U.39 in Building E2.5.

Thank you for your understanding!

Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Tutorials for next week

Written on 26.10.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students , 

Due to the public holiday on Friday, students who will miss their scheduled tutorial that day have the option to attend any tutorial session on Monday or Thursday of the same week.
This option is available only for the upcoming week, and is subject to available space and tutors… Read more

Dear Students , 

Due to the public holiday on Friday, students who will miss their scheduled tutorial that day have the option to attend any tutorial session on Monday or Thursday of the same week.
This option is available only for the upcoming week, and is subject to available space and tutors approval.
Please ensure you check for availability before attending an alternative session.

Thank you for your understanding!

Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta



Tutorial Assignments

Written on 21.10.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear Students, 

All of the students registered in the CMS are now assigned to a tutorial. 

Please check your respective tutorials. 

Also, note we will have two parallel tutorials on Friday slot 12 -2 PM as well, in room HS003 and HS002 E1.3. 


Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya… Read more

Dear Students, 

All of the students registered in the CMS are now assigned to a tutorial. 

Please check your respective tutorials. 

Also, note we will have two parallel tutorials on Friday slot 12 -2 PM as well, in room HS003 and HS002 E1.3. 


Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Tutorial Assignments

Written on 18.10.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear students, 
We have now assigned you to the tutorials according to your preferences. 

Please check your assignments. 

Also, note on Thursday there will be two tutorials in parallel : 2-4 PM in Building E1.3 in HS001 and HS003. 


Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya… Read more

Dear students, 
We have now assigned you to the tutorials according to your preferences. 

Please check your assignments. 

Also, note on Thursday there will be two tutorials in parallel : 2-4 PM in Building E1.3 in HS001 and HS003. 


Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta

Tutorial Preferences in CMS

Written on 15.10.24 by Kavya Gupta

Dear students, 
We have rectified the problem in setting your preferences for the tutorials. You can see your preferences in your "Personal Status" page now. 

Please select your preferences by Friday 12 PM. We will be starting the tutorials from next week. 

See you all on Thursday at 4pm at the… Read more

Dear students, 
We have rectified the problem in setting your preferences for the tutorials. You can see your preferences in your "Personal Status" page now. 

Please select your preferences by Friday 12 PM. We will be starting the tutorials from next week. 

See you all on Thursday at 4pm at the GHH!

Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta




Select your preferences on the tutorial slots before Friday October 18th at 12pm

Written on 15.10.24 by Isabel Valera

Dear students,

We have now enabled the option for you to select your preferences regarding the tutorial slots. Please add your preferences before this Friday, 18th of October, at 12pm. We will inform you on the tutorial assignment shortly afterwards, i.e., on Friday afternoon.


See you all… Read more

Dear students,

We have now enabled the option for you to select your preferences regarding the tutorial slots. Please add your preferences before this Friday, 18th of October, at 12pm. We will inform you on the tutorial assignment shortly afterwards, i.e., on Friday afternoon.


See you all on Thursday at 4pm at the GHH!

Prof.  Isabel Valera and Dr. Kavya Gupta



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