
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Tutorial Lukas Tutorial Discord 7 11.11.21 11.11.21 No 
Assignment 1 Exercise Sheet 11.11.21 17.11.21 No 
Data Handling and Cleaning in Python (Prof. Jens Dittrich) Lecture <a href="https://youtu.be/6nFfCmdIXZo">https://youtu.be/6nFfCmdIXZo</a> 1 11.11.21 11.11.21 No 
Tutorial Leonard Tutorial E1.1, SR 2.06 4 09.11.21 09.11.21 No 
Tutorial Moritz Tutorial E1.1, SR 2.06 3 08.11.21 08.11.21 No 
Introduction to Python 2 (Lab) Office Hour Discord 2 08.11.21 08.11.21 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1.1, SR 3.06 8 05.11.21 05.11.21 No 
Tutorial Benedict Tutorial E1.3, SR 015 6 05.11.21 05.11.21 No 
Tutorial Singh Tutorial E1.1, SR 3.06 5 05.11.21 05.11.21 No 
Tutorial Lukas Tutorial Discord 7 04.11.21 04.11.21 No 
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