
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Big Data & Databases 2 (Prof. Jens Dittrich) Lecture <a href="https://youtu.be/QrmX-juyiiM">https://youtu.be/QrmX-juyiiM</a> 1 18.11.21 18.11.21 No 
Big Data & Databases 1 (Prof. Jens Dittrich) Lecture <a href="https://youtu.be/rQ2svMdokEs">https://youtu.be/rQ2svMdokEs</a> 2 15.11.21 15.11.21 No 
Introduction to Data Science (Prof. Jens Dittrich) Lecture <a href="https://youtu.be/Y-LDt2OwEG8">https://youtu.be/Y-LDt2OwEG8</a> 2 25.10.21 25.10.21 No 
Tutorial Lukas Tutorial Discord 7 25.11.21 25.11.21 No 
Tutorial Lukas Tutorial Discord 7 02.12.21 02.12.21 No 
Introduction to Python (Lab) Office Hour Discord 1 04.11.21 04.11.21 No 
Tutorial Lukas Tutorial Discord 7 09.12.21 09.12.21 No 
Tutorial Lukas Tutorial Discord 7 10.02.22 10.02.22 No 
Introduction to Python 2 (Lab) Office Hour Discord 2 08.11.21 08.11.21 No 
Tutorial Lukas Tutorial Discord 7 04.11.21 04.11.21 No 
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