
Exam Information

Written on 22.01.2020 10:20 by Joris Nix

Dear students,

our upcoming exam will take place in E1.3 Lecture Hall 002 and E2.5 Lecture Hall 002 (math building) on February 6, 2020 from 12 - 2 PM.
The exam will start sharp at 12:00 and takes 120 minutes. Therefore, please be there a few minutes in advance so we can start and finish on time.
Here are some more informations regarding the exam:

  • You are admitted to take the exam if you have at least 50% of the total points on the assignment sheets (concretely, at least 110 out of 220 points) and at most two assignments with zero points.
  • In case you are admitted to take the exam, you have to register for it: 
    1. LSF/HISPOS: If you are a Data Sciene and Artificial Intelligence student, you cannot use the LSF/HISPOS system to register because the course is not yet integrated into the system. Therefore, you have to go Ms. Sum from the examination office and get a registration form which you hand in in Prof. Dittrichs secretary office (E1.1 Room 3.12). 
      For other courses of study (computer science, media informatics, cybersecurity) the registration via LSF/HISPOS is currently being activated. Therefore, the registration should be possible within a few days. 
      Students doing a teacher training program (Lehramt) in computer science need to clarify with the examination office, if they obtain credits for the examination (Prüfung einbringen können). We advise to get a registration form (Schein) from the examination office.
      In case there are any problems with the examination registration, please contact us as soon as possible. The time to register ends on January 30 (one week before the exam according to examination regulations) for both, online and manual registration. A registration after the deadline will not be possible and no exceptions will be made.
    2. Course Management System: Please register for the exam on your personal status page in our CMS system. This registration lets us know how many of you want to participate in the exam and with that, how to distribute you to the different lecture halls. The registration will end on February 4. On the following day, we will announce in which lecture hall you write the exam.
  • You have to use a non-erasable pen with black or blue ink.
  • The exam and the exercise descriptions will be in English. Therefore, we encourage you to write the exam in English. However, you are also allowed to write in German. You can bring a dictionary as well.
  • You are allowed to bring two double-sided sheets of A4-paper containing handwritten notes as cheat sheets. This explicitly excludes printouts.
  • A non-programmable calculator is allowed.
  • Regarding the preparation for the exam, refer to the file relevant for exam.txt, which contains an overview of the relevant parts of each lecture. Furthermore, the exercises on the assignment sheets should give a very good impression of how the exam exercises might look like.

In case you have any questions, please use our forum.

Best regards,

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