Reminder: Re-exam
Written on 24.09.2020 11:03 by Joris Nix
Dear students,
as already stated, the re-exam will take place in E2.2 Günter-Hotz Lecture Hall on October 20, 2020 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. The registration via HISPOS is again open until one week before the re-exam. Note, that registrations for the original re-exam are kept (so you manually have to deregister if you do not wish to take the re-exam anymore). For more information, please refer to the corresponding e-mail "[Pruefungsanmeldung] Wichtig: Nachklausuren des WS 19/20 / re-exams of WS 19/20" from Ms. Kraska.
In addition to the official HISPOS registration, the CMS registration for the re-exam is open again as well. You are able to register until October 12, 2020 23:59 pm.
We will provide you in time with additional information regarding the procedure of the re-exam.
In case you have any questions, please use the forum or send me an e-mail.
Best regards,