
Poster Presentation: Change of Location

Written on 12.07.24 by Till Koebe

Dear all,

the poster presentations will *not* take place at GHH-Foyer, but in HS001 in E1.3. There will be a person in GHH to give you instructions.

Sorry for the short notice.

See you in a bit,



PSDAI Poster Session upcoming Friday

Written on 10.07.24 by Till Koebe

Dear all,

you are *not* required to prepare slides for upcoming Friday. However, we may ask you to briefly pitch your poster in a 1-minute pitch. Afterwards, every participant will have time to walk around and check out the other groups' posters. As most groups consist of at least two group… Read more

Dear all,

you are *not* required to prepare slides for upcoming Friday. However, we may ask you to briefly pitch your poster in a 1-minute pitch. Afterwards, every participant will have time to walk around and check out the other groups' posters. As most groups consist of at least two group members, please ensure that there is always a team member present at your poster.

You will be handed a voting card and there will be a ballot box, where the participants can vote for their favourite poster. The group with the most votes for their poster will receive a small award.

Feel encouraged to proactively approach another to learn about the others' works!

See you soon,

p.s.: Please keep in mind that attendance to the poster presentation is *required* for the successful completion of the seminar. If, for some reasons, someone may not be able to attend, please contact us ahead of the poster session.



Reminder: Posters due next Friday, July 5th

Written on 24.06.24 by Till Koebe

Dear all,

a gentle reminder that the posters are due next Friday, July 5th, end of day. Please submit your posters (as a .pdf adhering to DIN A0 size, preferably in English) via the CMS. Please make sure that we just receive one poster submission per group. We will take care of the printing! This… Read more

Dear all,

a gentle reminder that the posters are due next Friday, July 5th, end of day. Please submit your posters (as a .pdf adhering to DIN A0 size, preferably in English) via the CMS. Please make sure that we just receive one poster submission per group. We will take care of the printing! This means that we will bring all the posters to the Poster session the week after.

We do not require the poster to follow a specific template, but please ensure that following key information are conveyed on the poster in a legible and appealing manner:

- What is the project about? (Overview and motivation)
- How do you try to solve the project's objectives? (Methodology and preliminary results)

If you have questions on this or if you are not sure whether the template of your choice fits the purpose, please talk to your project owner (at the end, they should be happy with it!) or feel free to get in touch:

Looking forward to receiving your posters!


Reminder: Registration deadline with LSF tomorrow

Written on 13.05.24 by Till Koebe

Dear all,

a kind reminder to those who haven't done so yet to register for the course with the LSF system by tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14th, 2024. Apparently, the course is accidentally available twice, one taught by Ingmar Weber, one by Susanne Weber. Please make sure you register with the course… Read more

Dear all,

a kind reminder to those who haven't done so yet to register for the course with the LSF system by tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14th, 2024. Apparently, the course is accidentally available twice, one taught by Ingmar Weber, one by Susanne Weber. Please make sure you register with the course taught by *Ingmar* Weber! The Studienkoordination is working on it to solve the issue and everyone that has registered so far (as of this morning) for Susanne Weber is also registered for the correct course with Ingmar Weber.

Let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,




All pitch and overview slides are online

Written on 18.04.24 by Ingmar Weber

Under "materials" you should find all the pitch slides for the individual projects (01-19), as well as the slide deck with administrative details.

Please remember to register you and your team (2-3 students) in the CMS by Monday, April 22 (end of day). Each team also has to email Till Koebe… Read more

Under "materials" you should find all the pitch slides for the individual projects (01-19), as well as the slide deck with administrative details.

Please remember to register you and your team (2-3 students) in the CMS by Monday, April 22 (end of day). Each team also has to email Till Koebe ( with their ranked top three choices by April 22.

Projektseminar Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

The aim of this practical seminar is the realization of a complete pipeline of a project from the problem statement to finding solutions using methods of machine learning. The topics are proposed by groups from various fields of research, e.g. materials science, computer linguistics, bioinformatics, computer vision, but also (computational) social sciences. Each topic will be supervised by the group that proposed the topic. Up to three students will be working on one topic.

The project seminar consists of three parts. In the first part, the student group working on a topic will get acquainted with the topic, the input data, and research about potential solutions for the given problem. The second part is the implementation and testing of solutions for the problem. At the end of the course, the groups will present their topics and the solutions in a seminar. Successful completion of the seminar is rewarded with 9 CP for Data Science & Artificial Intelligence bachelor students.


To participate in this seminar at least one of the following courses has to be passed

  • Elements of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Elements of Machine Learning
  • Programming I or II
  • or comparable

!Important!: By registering for the course via CMS, you confirm that you fulfil the course requirements.

Important Dates

Once finalized, all dates including time and place can also be found in our calendar.

Events/Milestones Date Description
Kick-off Meeting 18.04. We present the available topics and discuss administrative matters.
CMS Registration 22.04. Students have to be registered for the seminar here in CMS.
Group Registration 22.04. Groups of three students have to be registered here in CMS. One group member creates a group and then invites the other members.
Topic Voting 22.04. Send an email containing your three favorite topics in ascending order of preference (one email per group).
LSF Registration 14.05. Students have to be registered for the seminar in LSF.
Regular Meetings   Groups meet regularly with their supervisors to discuss the group's progress.
Poster Submission 05.07. Groups submit their poster via CMS to be printed in time for the poster session.
Poster Session 12.07. Groups present their posters to the participants.
Code & Final Report Submission 16.08. Groups submit their final report and code via CMS.



You pass the course if you complete the following milestones successfully.

  • Active participation in the meetings
  • Poster presentation and subsequent Q&A session
  • Code and final report submissions
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