
Hybrid tutorial tomorrow

Written on 10.11.2021 21:23 by Lennard Gäher

Dear students,

as already announced in the lecture today, due to popular demand tomorrow's tutorial will be the first one we offer in a hybrid format. This means that you can attend both in-person and, as previously, online via Zoom (if you plan to attend via Zoom, nothing changes for you).

The physical tutorial will take place in room 005 in the MPI-SWS building (E1.5), which is already known from the office hours. We have room for 11 participants. As access to the MPI-SWS building is currently still restricted, we have to open the building's door for you. Thus, please be there in time (by 16.10). We can see the door from the room, so if you come late, we should be able to see you and open the door for you (if we fail to do so, please briefly join the Zoom room and let us know). Moreover, due to the in-place contact tracing requirements, you have to enter the Visitor list at the entrance.

The test will, as usual, start at 16.15. For in-person participants, we provide print-outs.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Your Semantics Team

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