
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Lecture: Organizational Matters, Introduction, Design Lecture GHH 04.09.23 04.09.23 No 
Lecture: Design Lecture GHH 04.09.23 04.09.23 No 
Exercise Phase Phase 04.09.23 N/A Yes 
Tutorial Exercises&Tutorials 1 04.09.23 04.09.23 No 
Lecture: Design Lecture GHH 05.09.23 05.09.23 No 
Lecture: Design Lecture GHH 05.09.23 05.09.23 No 
Tutorial Exercises&Tutorials 1 05.09.23 05.09.23 No 
Lecture: Kotlin Introduction Lecture GHH 06.09.23 06.09.23 No 
Lecture: Design Patterns Lecture GHH 06.09.23 06.09.23 No 
Tutorial Exercises&Tutorials 1 06.09.23 06.09.23 No 
Lecture: Design Patterns Lecture GHH 07.09.23 07.09.23 No 
Lecture: Design Patterns Lecture GHH 07.09.23 07.09.23 No 
Tutorial Exercises&Tutorials 1 07.09.23 07.09.23 No 
Additional Office-Hour Exercises&Tutorials GHH 07.09.23 07.09.23 No 
Entry Exam CompulsoryAttendance 08.09.23 N/A Yes 
Lecture: Testing Lecture GHH 11.09.23 11.09.23 No 
Lecture (Best and Bad Practices) / On-Site Office Hour for Technical Problems Lecture GHH 11.09.23 11.09.23 No 
Practical Tutorial Exercises&Tutorials 11.09.23 11.09.23 No 
End of the registration/withdrawal deadline in the LSF Deadline 11.09.23 11.09.23 No 
Lecture: Testing, Presentation of Group-Phase Project Lecture GHH 12.09.23 12.09.23 No 
Group Phase CompulsoryAttendance 12.09.23 N/A Yes 
Lecture: git and Teamwork Lecture GHH 13.09.23 13.09.23 No 
Design Review Face-to-faceAppoint. 14.09.23 N/A Yes 
Lecture: Code Review and Continuous Integration Lecture GHH 14.09.23 14.09.23 No 
Design Review Face-to-faceAppoint. 18.09.23 N/A Yes 
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