
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Tutorial Exercises&Tutorials E1 3 or online 3 07.09.22 07.09.22 No 
Tutorial Exercises&Tutorials E1 3 or online 3 06.09.22 06.09.22 No 
Lecture: git Lecture GHH or online 2 15.09.22 15.09.22 No 
Lecture: Continuous Integration, Debugging Lecture GHH or online 2 21.09.22 21.09.22 No 
Lecture: Teamwork, Coding Review, Continuous Integration Lecture GHH or online 2 20.09.22 20.09.22 No 
Lecture: Testing, Presentation of Group-Phase Project Lecture GHH or online 2 13.09.22 13.09.22 No 
Lecture: Testing Lecture GHH or online 1 12.09.22 12.09.22 No 
Lecture: Organizational Matters, Introduction, Design Lecture GHH or online 1 05.09.22 05.09.22 No 
Lecture: Design-Patterns Lecture GHH or online 1 08.09.22 08.09.22 No 
Lecture: Design-Patterns Lecture GHH or online 1 07.09.22 07.09.22 No 
Lecture: Design Lecture GHH or online 1 06.09.22 06.09.22 No 
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