Feedback System

We are using a different feedback process based on lessons learned in previous semesters.

Feedback Channels
You can send us feedback via the forum publicly (for broader discussions) or as a direct message (for sensitive topics).
This replaces the previous anonymous system, which often led to unactionable input and unconstructive messages.

In the new system, concerns can be addressed directly and questions can be answered.
Previously, we already received very valuable and constructive feedback via the forum and students had little problem sharing it.

About the Feedback
The feedback will have no influence for you. We will not (and can not) remember who gave what feedback.
We are interested in open and constructive discussions.

Try to formulate your feedback constructively.
Read over the feedback you write to gauge how it might be received.

We generally are happy about every feedback we receive.
If you do not want to share the feedback directly, appoint representatives to convey your feedback.

In case of questions, reach out to us via the forum.

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