
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Tutorial 5 Tutorial 02.02.22 02.02.22 No 
Tutorial 4 Tutorial 2 19.01.22 19.01.22 No 
Tutorial 3 Tutorial 15.12.21 15.12.21 No 
Tutorial 2 Tutorial 24.11.21 24.11.21 No 
Tutorial 1 Tutorial 10.11.21 10.11.21 No 
Students' Planning Systems Competition Projects 09.02.22 N/A Yes 
Programming Workshop Tutorial 04.11.21 04.11.21 No 
Paper Exercise Handout: Sheet 5 Tutorial 19.01.22 N/A Yes 
Paper Exercise Handout: Sheet 4 Tutorial 15.12.21 N/A Yes 
Paper Exercise Handout: Sheet 3 Tutorial 24.11.21 N/A Yes 
Paper Exercise Handout: Sheet 2 Tutorial 10.11.21 N/A Yes 
Paper Exercise Handout: Sheet 1 Tutorial 27.10.21 N/A Yes 
Office Hour Projects 10.01.22 10.01.22 No 
Office Hour Projects 24.01.22 24.01.22 No 
Office Hour Projects 29.11.21 29.11.21 No 
Office Hour Projects 13.12.21 13.12.21 No 
Office Hour Projects 17.01.22 17.01.22 No 
Lecture: Towards Trust in Neural Action Policies Lecture 26.01.22 26.01.22 No 
Lecture: Progression and Regression; Heuristic Search Lecture 1 02.11.21 02.11.21 No 
Lecture: Planning Systems and the IPC Lecture 01.02.22 01.02.22 No 
Lecture: Planning Formalisms Lecture 2 20.10.21 20.10.21 No 
Lecture: PDDL; Applications Lecture 1 26.10.21 26.10.21 No 
Lecture: Pattern Database Heuristics Lecture 2 01.12.21 01.12.21 No 
Lecture: Partial-Order Reduction Lecture 2 08.12.21 08.12.21 No 
Lecture: Partial Delete Relaxation; Abstractions Lecture 1 23.11.21 23.11.21 No 
Lecture: Partial Delete Relaxation Lecture 2 17.11.21 17.11.21 No 
Lecture: Merge-and-Shrink Heuristics Lecture 1 07.12.21 07.12.21 No 
Lecture: Landmark Heuristics; Combining Heuristic Functions Lecture 2 05.01.22 05.01.22 No 
Lecture: Landmark Heuristics Lecture 1 14.12.21 14.12.21 No 
Lecture: Heuristic Search; Critical Path Heuristics Lecture 2 03.11.21 03.11.21 No 
Lecture: Delete Relaxation Heuristics Lecture 1 16.11.21 16.11.21 No 
Lecture: Delete Relaxation Heuristics Lecture 1 09.11.21 09.11.21 No 
Lecture: Decoupled State Space Search Lecture 1 25.01.22 25.01.22 No 
Lecture: Comparing Heuristic Functions; Decoupled State Space Search Lecture 18.01.22 18.01.22 No 
Lecture: Comparing Heuristic Functions Lecture 2 12.01.22 12.01.22 No 
Lecture: Combining Heuristic Functions Lecture 1 11.01.22 11.01.22 No 
Lecture: Causal Graphs; Progression and Regression Lecture 2 27.10.21 27.10.21 No 
Lecture: Abstractions; Pattern Database Heuristics Lecture 1 30.11.21 30.11.21 No 
Lecture: About this course Lecture 19.10.21 19.10.21 No 
First Exam Inspection Exam E1.3 H002 23.02.22 23.02.22 No 
Exam Preparation Tutorial 08.02.22 08.02.22 No 
Exam Exam 16.02.22 16.02.22 No 
Deadline: Project Groups Projects 05.12.21 N/A Yes 
Deadline: POR, LM, HA Projects 20.01.22 N/A Yes 
Deadline: PDBs, M&S, RB Projects 13.01.22 N/A Yes 
Deadline: LMcut Projects 27.01.22 N/A Yes 
Deadline: hmax, hadd Projects 02.12.21 N/A Yes 
Deadline: hFF, h2, EHC Projects 16.12.21 N/A Yes 
Deadline: Goal Counting Projects 11.11.21 N/A Yes 
Deadline: Competition (prelim.) Projects 03.02.22 N/A Yes 
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