
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
First Exam Inspection Exam E1.3 H002 23.02.22 23.02.22 No 
Exam Exam 16.02.22 16.02.22 No 
Students' Planning Systems Competition Projects 09.02.22 N/A Yes 
Exam Preparation Tutorial 08.02.22 08.02.22 No 
Deadline: Competition (final) Projects 06.02.22 N/A Yes 
Deadline: Competition (prelim.) Projects 03.02.22 N/A Yes 
Tutorial 5 Tutorial 02.02.22 02.02.22 No 
Lecture: Planning Systems and the IPC Lecture 01.02.22 01.02.22 No 
Deadline: LMcut Projects 27.01.22 N/A Yes 
Lecture: Towards Trust in Neural Action Policies Lecture 26.01.22 26.01.22 No 
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