
Additive and Max Heuristics Evaluation

Written on 28.11.2019 14:56 by Maximilian Fickert

The evaluation of the additive and max heuristics is now finished, the points should be visible on your personal status page. If you have less than 100% of the points, you will receive a short mail with some feedback for your submission. As announced at the start of the lecture, if you have less than 50% of the project points so far, you are not admitted to the exam at the end of the term (i.e., at least 17.5 points if you submitted a counter-based implementation of h^max or h^add, or at least 12.5 points otherwise).

UPDATE: The points were initially incorrectly entered using maximum points of 15 and 25 points for the standard and counter-based implementations respectively. This has now been updated (to 20 respectively 30 maximum points as announced before).

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