Registration for this course is open until Tuesday, 29.10.2024 23:59.


Currently, no news are available

Neural Networks: Theory and Implementation

This is is the version for CS, DSAI, VC, Bioinformatics, Systems Engineering, wirtschaftsinformatik, etc. No CoLi students permitted in this edition.

Starts: 22.10.24

Location: large lecture hall mathematics, HS1 in E25

Exam: 11.2.25 (location will follow a few days before the exam)

Tutorials: tbd


  1. Linear Algebra and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  2. Numerical Computation
  3. Machine Learning Basics
  4. Deep Feedforwad Neural Networks
  5. Regularization for Deep Learning
  6. Optimization for Deep Learning
  7. Convolutional Neural Networks
  8. Sequence Modelling: Recurrent and Recursive Neural Networks

Text Books:

Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Charu C. Aggarwal

Deep Learning by Aaron Courville, Ian Goodfellow, Joshua Bengio

Geometry of Deep Learning, Jong Chul Ye

Deep Learning Architectures: A Mathematical Approach, Ovidiu Calin


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