
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Office hours Cag Öztopal Office hours SR 2 (E 2.5, U.36) 5 29.01.25 29.01.25 No 
Office hours Cag Öztopal Office hours SR 2 (E 2.5, U.36) 5 08.01.25 08.01.25 No 
Office hours Cag Öztopal Office hours SR 2 (E 2.5, U.36) 5 23.10.24 23.10.24 No 
Office hours Davide Damiano Office hours Gruppenarbeitsraum (basement of E2.4) nex to CIP pool 6 24.10.24 24.10.24 No 
Office hours Davide Damiano Office hours Gruppenarbeitsraum (basement of E2.4) nex to CIP pool 6 31.10.24 31.10.24 No 
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