
Cheat sheet pickup next week

Written on 21.02.25 by Thuan Nguyen

Dear MfCS 3 students,

In case you were not able to attend the exam inspection but still want to pick up your cheat sheet, then you can collect them next week, on Wednesday and Thursday, 11:00 - 12:00, at Room 2.09, building E2 4.

If you want to do so, please register through your CMS page so… Read more

Dear MfCS 3 students,

In case you were not able to attend the exam inspection but still want to pick up your cheat sheet, then you can collect them next week, on Wednesday and Thursday, 11:00 - 12:00, at Room 2.09, building E2 4.

If you want to do so, please register through your CMS page so that we can prepare your cheat sheet for collection.

Moreover, please bring your UdS card for identification, and note that there will be no further inspections.

Wishing you a nice weekend!

Exam result and exam inspection

Written on 19.02.25 by Thuan Nguyen

The exam results are now available. You can check the result on your CMS page.

The exam inspection will be on Friday, 21 February, from 10:00am to 13:00pm in Hoersaal IV (115) of building E2 4.

If you would like to inspect your exam paper, then please

  • register the time slot (via your CMS… Read more

The exam results are now available. You can check the result on your CMS page.

The exam inspection will be on Friday, 21 February, from 10:00am to 13:00pm in Hoersaal IV (115) of building E2 4.

If you would like to inspect your exam paper, then please

  • register the time slot (via your CMS page) that works for you on that date. You can only choose one time slot, and note that each slot has a limited number of participants.
  • be sure to bring your UdS card or passport for identification.
  • note that taking notes or photos is not permitted during the exam inspection.
  • be sure to keep an appropriate distance from other students during the inspection.

Exam time, expected time for results, and exam inspection

Written on 13.02.25 by Thuan Nguyen

  • Exam time: Monday, 17 February 2025, 14:00-17:00.
    Please be sure to arrive at your exam room by 13:40 so that there is enough time for the necessary paperwork. Please also be sure to bring your personal UdS Card or an official photo identity document (e.g., passport).
  • Expected time for results:Read more
  • Exam time: Monday, 17 February 2025, 14:00-17:00.
    Please be sure to arrive at your exam room by 13:40 so that there is enough time for the necessary paperwork. Please also be sure to bring your personal UdS Card or an official photo identity document (e.g., passport).
  • Expected time for results: We expect the grading process to be completed by Wednesday, 19 February, and you will be informed of the results via CMS.
  • There will be an exam inspection, which is planned to take place on Friday, 21 February, from 9:00 - 12:00. Further information will follow soon.

As you know, there were some restrictions for the exam content and some useful hints here exam topics - Mathematics for Computer Scientists III

Wishing you good preparation and a successful exam.


First exam seating order

Written on 12.02.25 (last change on 12.02.25) by Susanna Fromm

Dear students,

the first exam will take place at Günther-Hotz-Hörsaal in building E2 2 as well as in Hörsaal I and II in building E2 5. If you are admitted to and registered for the first exam, you can find your room and seat on your personal page in CMS. Please make sure that you arrive early for… Read more

Dear students,

the first exam will take place at Günther-Hotz-Hörsaal in building E2 2 as well as in Hörsaal I and II in building E2 5. If you are admitted to and registered for the first exam, you can find your room and seat on your personal page in CMS. Please make sure that you arrive early for the exam and that you are in the right room, since everybody wants to start in time.

Best regards,

Susanna Fromm


Exam language

Written on 10.02.25 by Susanna Fromm

Dear students,

please remember to choose your prefered language for the first exam if you haven't done so. If you make no choice till 23.59 today, you will get an english exam by default.

Best regards,

Susanna fromm


Exam language

Written on 03.02.25 by Thuan Nguyen

Please choose your preferred language, English or German, to write the final exam. This can be done via your personal status page on CMS and should be submitted by Monday, 10 February 2025, 23:59. Given that you are registered and admitted to the exam, we will provide exam papers according to your… Read more

Please choose your preferred language, English or German, to write the final exam. This can be done via your personal status page on CMS and should be submitted by Monday, 10 February 2025, 23:59. Given that you are registered and admitted to the exam, we will provide exam papers according to your language preference.

General and small-group tutorials next week = Q&A sessions

Written on 30.01.25 by Thuan Nguyen

Dear MfCS3 students,
Next week, there will be no new assignment and tutorial sheets. Instead, please make sure to bring along any questions resulting from your exam preparation, especially those relating to previous assignment problems or tutorial sheets. To optimize our time and preparation, you are… Read more

Dear MfCS3 students,
Next week, there will be no new assignment and tutorial sheets. Instead, please make sure to bring along any questions resulting from your exam preparation, especially those relating to previous assignment problems or tutorial sheets. To optimize our time and preparation, you are encouraged to send possible questions to tutors and assistants (e.g., via email) before the tutorials.

Homework sheet 13 will be uploaded on Friday, 24 January, 14:00

Written on 22.01.25 by Thuan Nguyen

Dear students,
Due to the lecture rescheduling, Homework Sheet 13 will be uploaded on Friday, 24 January, at 14:00. It will be due next Friday.

Cancellation of lectures

Written on 17.01.25 by Henryk Zähle

Due to medical treatment, the lectures on 22, 29 and 31 January will be cancelled.

However, we are well on schedule and will be able to discuss the remaining slides/topics in the remaining three lectures (on 24 January and 5 and 7 February).


Written on 15.01.25 (last change on 15.01.25) by Susanna Fromm

The evaluation for MfCS3 is open now until January 26, 12.00 pm. Please use the following links under "materials".

Wristwatch found

Written on 15.01.25 by Henryk Zähle

A wristwatch was found in the Günter-Hotz lecture hall after today's lecture. It can be picked up by Michael Bildhauer (E2 4, room 102) until tomorrow (Thursday). Otherwise it will be left in the lost and found box in E2 5 the day after tomorrow.

Exam preparation exercises

Written on 10.01.25 by Thuan Nguyen

Dear MfCS 3 students,

A sheet consisting of 18 sample exercises for exam preparation has been uploaded to CMS (under Materials). Note that there will be only 9 problems in the final exam, with a difficulty level comparable to those in the sheet. Please be aware that topics for the final exam are… Read more

Dear MfCS 3 students,

A sheet consisting of 18 sample exercises for exam preparation has been uploaded to CMS (under Materials). Note that there will be only 9 problems in the final exam, with a difficulty level comparable to those in the sheet. Please be aware that topics for the final exam are not limited to those mentioned in the exercise sheet. Due to the moderate number of exercises, there are unfortunately no sample solutions for them. You can revisit the weekly assignment sheets as well as the tutorial exercise sheets to try solving them on your own.

Have a nice weekend!

Lecture on 20 December will be held online

Written on 19.12.24 by Henryk Zähle

The lecture on Friday 20 December will be held online via Zoom.

I have just sent the link to the meeting by email. If you did not receive it, please let me know by email later today (zaehle at math uni-sb de).

Office hour by Cag Öztopal today, December 18, has been cancelled

Written on 18.12.24 by Thuan Nguyen

The office hour of Cag Öztopal today, December 18, at 16:00 has been cancelled.

Link to tomorrow's Zoom meeting sent by email

Written on 17.12.24 by Henryk Zähle

The lecture on Wednesday 18 December will be held online via Zoom (not via MS Teams as indicated yesterday).

I have just sent the link to the meeting by email. If you did not receive it, please let me know by email (zaehle at math uni-sb de).

Wednesday's lecture will be held online

Written on 16.12.24 by Henryk Zähle

Unfortunately, due to health problems, I am still unable to give a lecture on-site. The lecture on Wednesday (18 December) will therefore be held online via MS Teams. Please excuse the inconvenience. The link will be provided tomorrow.

Lecture on 13 December cancelled

Written on 12.12.24 by Henryk Zähle

Unfortunately, due to health problems, I will not be able to give the lecture on Friday 13 December. I apologise for this.

I would like to ask you to work through slides 256-264 (i.e. up to Theorem 2.9.4) and the corresponding handwritten notes on your own.

Exercise 36 on Exercise Sheet 9… Read more

Unfortunately, due to health problems, I will not be able to give the lecture on Friday 13 December. I apologise for this.

I would like to ask you to work through slides 256-264 (i.e. up to Theorem 2.9.4) and the corresponding handwritten notes on your own.

Exercise 36 on Exercise Sheet 9 requires the theory introduced on slides 256-261. Therefore, the points for this exercise will be bonus points. The solution to Exercise 36 is similar to that of Example 2.8.3.

Model solutions for Assignment 06

Written on 04.12.24 by Thuan Nguyen

Dear MfCS 3 students,

As Assignment Sheet 06 includes some fundamental, but important, exercises, which were not discussed in tutorials, we exceptionally share its model solutions. You can find it under Materials in CMS.

Team building for assignment sheets

Written on 27.11.24 by Susanna Fromm

Dear students,

many of you still have no team for the assignment sheets. If you have difficulties in finding team members, we invite you to write to your tutor. He or she can connect you with fellow students who don't have a team yet. Working in a team and explainig your solution to others is the… Read more

Dear students,

many of you still have no team for the assignment sheets. If you have difficulties in finding team members, we invite you to write to your tutor. He or she can connect you with fellow students who don't have a team yet. Working in a team and explainig your solution to others is the best possible preparation for the exam.

Best regards,

Susanna Fromm

Mistake in Assignment Sheet 2, Exercise 4 (iii)

Written on 04.11.24 by Susanna Fromm

Please note that there was a minor mistake in the definition of  the domain D in assignment sheet 2, Exercise 4 (iii). New versions of the assignment sheet and its sample solution have been uploaded.

Solution for Assignment 02, and Exercise sheets

Written on 31.10.24 by Thuan Nguyen

Dear MfCS 3 students,

As the general tutorial (the lecture and office hours as well) will be canceled tomorrow due to the holiday, we have uploaded a sample solution for Assignment sheet 02 to CMS for your reference.

Moreover, we will weekly upload assignment sheets in German (along with the… Read more

Dear MfCS 3 students,

As the general tutorial (the lecture and office hours as well) will be canceled tomorrow due to the holiday, we have uploaded a sample solution for Assignment sheet 02 to CMS for your reference.

Moreover, we will weekly upload assignment sheets in German (along with the English version) on Wednesdays, and also tutorial sheets on Friday mornings to CMS.

Cross-references added to slides

Written on 30.10.24 by Henryk Zähle

I have been asked by students to provide specific cross-references for each section. I have now added such references, which can be found on the title page of each section. Links to these books can be found at the bottom of the main page (in CMS).

I have also been asked to create a separate set of… Read more

I have been asked by students to provide specific cross-references for each section. I have now added such references, which can be found on the title page of each section. Links to these books can be found at the bottom of the main page (in CMS).

I have also been asked to create a separate set of slides for each lecture. Please note, however, that the sequential slides are hyperlinked so that you can easily click through to the referenced point. For this obvious reason, I will not comply with this request.

Office hours

Written on 21.10.24 by Thuan Nguyen

Dear MfCS 3 students,

The list of office hours is now available. You can find it under Materials or Timetable (in the Information tab) in CMS. Office hours start today, so you’re welcome to attend!

Small tutorial languages

Written on 16.10.24 by Thuan Nguyen

Dear MfCS 3 students,

It appears that, at the moment, your CMS personal pages do not display the languages of the tutorials (usually indicated in the tutorial type). To address this issue, we have uploaded a detailed list of tutorials in the "Materials" section for your reference. We are sorry for… Read more

Dear MfCS 3 students,

It appears that, at the moment, your CMS personal pages do not display the languages of the tutorials (usually indicated in the tutorial type). To address this issue, we have uploaded a detailed list of tutorials in the "Materials" section for your reference. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Just a friendly reminder that our small tutorial groups will begin next week (from Monday, 21 October onward), and the general tutorial will start on Friday, 25 October.

Small-group tutorial registration

Written on 16.10.24 by Thuan Nguyen

Dear MfCS 3 students,

Here are some important information regarding small-group tutorials:

  • You are now able to change your tutorial preferences (via CMS). Please do this before Friday, 18 October, at 11:00 AM, and please take the tutorial languages into account.
  • Afterwards, we will assign… Read more

Dear MfCS 3 students,

Here are some important information regarding small-group tutorials:

  • You are now able to change your tutorial preferences (via CMS). Please do this before Friday, 18 October, at 11:00 AM, and please take the tutorial languages into account.
  • Afterwards, we will assign you to small-group tutorials based on your preferences, and you will soon receive information about your assigned tutorials.
  • After 11:30 AM, Friday, 18 October, the function "Team Groupings" in CMS will be available for you to use. Please only team up with other students in the same tutorial.
  • You can also use Forum in CMS to find partners for joint submissions.

We do not expect all of you to find teams for the first submission, but we hope that this can be done by the second submission.
You may want to check the file titled 'General Information' in the Materials tab for more details. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.



Small-group tutorials start in the second week

Written on 15.10.24 by Henryk Zähle

The small-group tutorials will take place for the first time in the second week of the lecture period.

First general tutorial on 25 October

Written on 15.10.24 by Henryk Zähle

The first general tutorial will take place on Friday 25 October at 2:15pm.

First lecture on 16 October

Written on 15.10.24 by Henryk Zähle

The first lecture will take place on Wednesday 16 October at 8.30am.

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