
Off-topic: Virtual Reality User Study

Written on 16.05.2021 14:41 by Martin Feick

Dear students,


We are currently running two user studies about the perception of grasping and manipulating objects in Virtual Reality.

The system was implemented using Unity3D and Arduino, so quite related to the course =)

Since we are looking for participants, we wanted to ask if you would like to participate?

Please carefully read the information below. In case you are interested, you can book your preferred day and time under:

The study has been approved from the DFKI Krisenstab and complies to all regulation.


Thank you very much for your help, we greatly appreciate it.

Kind regards,






Grasping and Manipulating Objects in Virtual Reality



1 hour per participant.



Participants need to be *right-handed* with normal or corrected-to-normal vision.



Meeting point: DFKI main entrance

The study will take place in *Turing 1* *at the DFKI.



The study will take start on Monday 17.05.

To make scheduling easier, there are 4 slots available per day:

 * Slot #1: 10:00 – 11:00

 * Slot #2: 12:00 – 13:00

 * Slot #3: 14:00 – 15:00

 * Slot #4: 16:00 – 17:00



10 € (people who are not affiliated with DFKI) + candy for everyone.



Negative COVID-19 test (can be done at DFKI for time slot #1 and #2)

If you plan to do a COVID-19 test at DFKI, please show-up 30min before your study appointment to allow enough time for the test. You can also bring a valid Covid-19 test yourself (no older than 24hours). You can do a test on campus for free: Fully vaccinated people can participate without a test but are required to provide proof (e.g., vaccination record/pass).

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