
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Conference day [mandatory] Meetings [in person] Saarland University, Center for Bioinformatics, E2.1, room 106 28.06.23 28.06.23 No 
Deadline for Doodle poll to fix conference dates [optional] Deadlines [online] Online Doodle poll 30.04.23 N/A Yes 
Deadline to (de-)register from seminar [optional] Deadlines [online] Online via CMS 30.04.23 N/A Yes 
Deadline to register in LSF [mandatory] Deadlines [online] Online via LSF 16.05.23 N/A Yes 
Deadline to select a topic [mandatory] Deadlines [online] Online via Spreadsheet 30.04.23 N/A Yes 
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