
Registration LSF

Written on 15.07.24 by Cedric Holle

If possible, please register for the course on LSF. If you are registered on LSF, you will automatically receive your CPs at the end of the lecture. Don't worry if you cannot register; in that case, we will provide you with a certificate. We will share more information about this process later.

The… Read more

If possible, please register for the course on LSF. If you are registered on LSF, you will automatically receive your CPs at the end of the lecture. Don't worry if you cannot register; in that case, we will provide you with a certificate. We will share more information about this process later.

The 4th Minitest was the final test. You will pass if you have accumulated 20 points in total.

Next week, we will have one more lecture where we will discuss AIs like AlphaGo in the game of Go.

Reminder 4. Minitest

Written on 14.07.24 by Cedric Holle

This is a reminder for the Minitest on Monday. We start normally with a lecture (16:15 - 16:45 in lecture hall 2). Then you get an exercise sheet similar to the Minitest 3. You have until the end of the lecture (18:00) to solve the exercises and submit your solutions to one of the tutors. You can work… Read more

This is a reminder for the Minitest on Monday. We start normally with a lecture (16:15 - 16:45 in lecture hall 2). Then you get an exercise sheet similar to the Minitest 3. You have until the end of the lecture (18:00) to solve the exercises and submit your solutions to one of the tutors. You can work together in small groups. The test will cover exercises about Ko and Connnections. You might want to repeat Ko ( We will go through Connections in the lecture.

4. Minitest

Written on 03.07.24 by Cedric Holle

We will write a Minitest in two weeks (15.07.). The format will be similar to the last test. The subject of the test will be either Ko or Connection.  

3. Minitest

Written on 23.06.24 by Cedric Holle

We will write a Minitest tomorrow. We will try out a new format. We start normally with a lecture (16:15 - 16:45 in lecture hall 2). Then you get an exercise sheet similar to problem set 3. You have until the end of the lecture (18:00) to solve the exercises and submit your solutions to one of the… Read more

We will write a Minitest tomorrow. We will try out a new format. We start normally with a lecture (16:15 - 16:45 in lecture hall 2). Then you get an exercise sheet similar to problem set 3. You have until the end of the lecture (18:00) to solve the exercises and submit your solutions to one of the tutors. You can work together in small groups. The subject of the exercises will be 'false eyes'. Don't worry, we will explain them in the lecture.

The next minitest is on June 24

Written on 14.06.24 by Markus Bläser

Since some people asked: There is *no* minitest on June 17. The next one is on June 24.

Written on 28.05.24 by Cedric Holle

We will write a minitest next Monday (03.06.). Make sure to repeat Nets and Ladders. You can find all necessary informations on Sensei's Library: and Exercise sheet and solutions are also uploaded to materials. You should also expect some… Read more

We will write a minitest next Monday (03.06.). Make sure to repeat Nets and Ladders. You can find all necessary informations on Sensei's Library: and Exercise sheet and solutions are also uploaded to materials. You should also expect some questions to basic rules.

First Minitest

Written on 08.05.24 by Cedric Holle

We will write a minitest next Monday (13.05.). Make sure you are familiar with the rules. You should also be able to solve very easy Life and Death problems. 

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Introduction to the Asian board game Go


Everybody heart about AlphaGo, many computer scientists know how AlphaGo works, but not many people in Europe know what game AlphaGo is actually playing. Unlike Chess, Go is rather unknown in Europe. In this course you will learn the rules of the game Go and the important strategic principles. If you are already familiar with the game, feel free to attend the lecture and just play.

 (This course is mainly about learning to *play* Go , but neither about artificial intelligence nor about how to program a Go engine.)

  • When: Monday, 16:15 - 18:00
  • Where: E1.3, HS001
  • First lecture: April 22!

You can get 3 free CP. There will be short weekly occasional minitests. You need at least 50% of the points at the end of the semester to obtain the CP.

Due to the large number of participants, we will not write minitests every week. We will announce the minitests the week before we write them.


If you have questions about the course or missed registration please send a mail to Cedric Holle ( or


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