
English Tutorial Preferences Update & Public Holiday Reminder

Written on 29.10.2021 14:29 by Thorsten Klößner

Dear students,

the tutorial preference selection has been updated with the respective language modes of the tutorials (English/German). We offer two tutorials in English, while three will be held in German. Please re-evaluate your tutorial preferences taking this change into account until Saturday, 23:59 at the latest. This affects the online tutorial and one of the Friday tutorials (both English). The tutorials will be distributed by Sunday evening.

Note that next Monday is a public holiday (Allerheiligen), so neither a lecture nor the first Monday tutorial will take place. All other tutorials plus the office hour will take place for the first time next week. If you are looking for people to submit the exercise sheets with, this might be an opportunity to meet people.

Regards, Thorsten Klößner

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