
Tutorials & Office Hour Update

Written on 28.01.2022 16:45 by Thorsten Klößner

Dear students,

we notice that the tutorial visits and submissions are decreasing as the semester comes to end and the exam comes closer. Therefore, we decided that starting next week, we will:

  1. Merge the Monday tutorial into the Tuesday tutorial
  2. Merge the two Friday tutorials (into HS 002)
  3. Remove the office hour, as the interest seems to be almost non-existent. Please use the forum or ask your tutor directly if you have questions.

Also, note that there will be no tutorials during the week before the exam. Note that this means exercise sheet 10 and 11 will not be discussed in the tutorials. We will however post solutions to the sheets. The related lecture content is relevant for the exam.

However, we will host an office hour on Discord on February 17 during the usual lecture slot (12:15) in which you can ask the tutors any final questions you may have before the exam. Please consider making use of this opportunity.

Regards, Thorsten Klößner

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